>be hunter/gatherer child
>happily dig holes all day
>grow up and find out i'm bad at hunting
>even worse at gathering, eat many bad mushroom
>good at digging holes, holes are my purpose
>dig many good holes but people don't share meat
>one day after eating big meal of bad plants have revelation
>these plants are bad because they're covered in shit
>declare pooping bad, but others no go along
>they say they must poop, but they just eat too much because no share
>spend next week feeding birds meat scraps from my dick
>soon everyone is too scared to poop due to my cockpecker friends
>sell use of hole with roof
>women laugh at men and poop with impunity
>smear honey on my asshole and head out for the day, a tear in my eye and hope in my heart
>soon enough women pay for hole with chair, different from hole with roof
>go back to digging holes in peace
This is the origin of gender. Get a refund if you haven't yet.