/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Now that we've pitted men and women against each other it is time to found an enbie queerdom that'll last for… THREE WEEKS! Governmental positions are up for grabs, state your pronouns and preferred title in this thread to apply.
Replies: >>1469
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>Governmental positions are up for grabs
*grabs ur government* uwu
Replies: >>1423
Hey! You're three weeks early.
Replies: >>1454
Gender and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Replies: >>1458
Check your calendar. It was a pretty intense thread so I don't blame you for not noticing.
agenders can have their own revolution, I want ALL THE GENDER
Replies: >>1468
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Replies: >>1490
>state your pronouns
>and preferred title
genocidal zen hermit suicide bomber in chief or, in the event that position has already been taken, whatever pays the most
Replies: >>1470
We haven't yet figured out the budget so that may as well be it. Welcome aboard!
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I am declaring this thread an uwu safe zone. u_u
Replies: >>1488
I'll write it into constitution. Damn we have a constitution already, this is going along nicely!
In general agenders are included in the government, they are just not allowed to enforce genderlessness on other people. Sorry!
Bumping to potentially trigger spammers and reclaim /gov/ for the one true form of governance
Replies: >>2061

>be hunter/gatherer child
>happily dig holes all day
>grow up and find out i'm bad at hunting
>even worse at gathering, eat many bad mushroom
>good at digging holes, holes are my purpose
>dig many good holes but people don't share meat
>one day after eating big meal of bad plants have revelation
>these plants are bad because they're covered in shit
>declare pooping bad, but others no go along
>they say they must poop, but they just eat too much because no share
>spend next week feeding birds meat scraps from my dick
>soon everyone is too scared to poop due to my cockpecker friends
>sell use of hole with roof
>women laugh at men and poop with impunity
>smear honey on my asshole and head out for the day, a tear in my eye and hope in my heart
>soon enough women pay for hole with chair, different from hole with roof
>go back to digging holes in peace
This is the origin of gender. Get a refund if you haven't yet.
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Viva la (anti-)sexual revolution
Consulting Eris and ignoring the replies?
>state your pronouns
whosesoever, thine and you.
Replies: >>2066
Ok and preferred title?
Replies: >>2067
co has no comics.png
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Replies: >>2068
i hereby doth declare thou saint
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