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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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I think it is the time to take the next step in the evolution of the human species.


Seriously. We have enough frozen sperm to last until converting to eggs into sperms is viable.

Let's do this to combat global warming. 90% of carbon emissions are MANmade. Damn those fuckers and their car fetish.

Let's do this for our children. Most of paedophiles caught are male. Also without penises rape will be much less physically damaging.

Let's do this for our country. Without men going to wars all the other countries wouldn't hate U.S. and the global love and intercontinental sex would lead U.S. right into the utopia we deserve.

At least up until we figure out how to make artificial wombs.
Replies: >>553
there's always rape
Replies: >>144
Not without sexually reproducing beings
Replies: >>145
But most things reproduce via sex.
Replies: >>146
That's not true even in constrains of our planet
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Umm, that's not feminism… Feminism is for everyone, it wants to improve the life of men, too. That's why they all will be turned into cute traps :3
Replies: >>148 >>149
t. Reiko
But traps aren't men because of their gender expression. Convert or die!
Replies: >>150
traps aren't men or women, they're traps.
Replies: >>151
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Traps are men, a trap just means a convincing crossdresser. Hence it's a "trap".
Replies: >>152
I feel like the conflation between "trap" and "trans" is done on purpose, by the same people who want "trap" to be seen as a slur out of sheer jealousy that traps are more convincing.
Replies: >>153
How "trap" isn't a slur?
Replies: >>154 >>160
How is it a slur? It's used to describe a dude that crossdresses. Whether the dude thinks he's not a dude or not while he's doing so is completely out of the question. Most traps i've met live a normal dude life outside of their crossdressing hobby, although they're usually gay.
Replies: >>157
Trap is a hole in the ground with spikes on the bottom and leaves on the top. Something to be avoided, potentially lethal. Using that term for describing humans is just rude, since it carries all the negative baggage from its other meaning.
Replies: >>158
What? if anything that's a compliment.
If the trap looks like a girl then that means the trap has succeeded. It means they convincingly look like a female and that any person that thought that to be the case was fooled, which gives boner points to the traps who live to tease.
You're hopelessly pushing trans and trap together like they have anything to do with each other.
If you're a bisexual submissive male and you somehow manage to make a heterosexual dominant male think you're a fitting mate/partner, wouldn't that get you excited?
Transsexuals should just stay out of this whole debacle because they're not trying to fool anyone, for them this whole thing is super serious, for traps it's more an enjoyable masturbation session.
I'm trying to save the traps. If they are male, they need to die. Simple as that.
It's not a slur, it's a compliment. It means the crossdressing is so good that the guy passes as a biological woman.
Replies: >>161
This is a fucking feminism thread. If a guy looks like women but isn't one the bastard is trying to enjoy the womanly benefits without paying the price. Trans are okay tho. Even the ones who do nothing to pass. It is about you admitting being a woman. Thats all we need, otherwise you are going through the chimney.
Replies: >>162
>If a guy looks like women but isn't one the bastard is trying to enjoy the womanly benefits without paying the price.

So does this include every Sophialicemily with a picrew avatar looking to game the progressive stack, or are they somehow an exception
Replies: >>163
You don't get it. If you identify as a man, you'll die.
And who is going to kill them ?
Replies: >>165
Feminazi death squads, other men, climate change, nuclear bombs, ebola, cancer, suffocating on bacon etc. etc.

I don't fucking care as long as they die.
Replies: >>166 >>2132
Bacon, climate change and nuclear armaments are all based and manly ways to go out.
Replies: >>168
Better hurry up before the food poisoning gets ya
holy shit, koreans found their way here?
Replies: >>173
Which ones?
Replies: >>175
>doesn't know about W()MAD
Replies: >>176
People are usually not aware of some fringe toilet brush company from Soul.
Replies: >>177
>Doesn't know about W()MAD
Replies: >>178 >>189
Is this an ad?
Replies: >>184
an ad for knowledge about the feminist group that rules south korea?
Replies: >>187 >>189
Rules? How are there still men in korea?
Replies: >>188
There are men in south korea?
What's the difference between WOMAD and Megalia?
Replies: >>194
One of them is crypto-patriotic propaganda, other one is bunch of misogynistic women.

> intercontinental sex
you are a coalburner, stfu  卐
Replies: >>1852 >>2131
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Suck on my intercontinental ballistic dick nazi mongrel.
I think this thread polarizes the conversation too much and makes it more difficult to find common ground between viewpoints :c
Replies: >>2131
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it's ok, pope, allow us to make a better thread. I for one believe in men and women existing, controversial as it is.
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Didn't we already have this thread?
I choose to die by being chased off a cliff by a bunch of nude broads.
Replies: >>2133
It's three years old.
and what of the boygirls?
Replies: >>2138
"Blessed are the boygirls for they will inherit the world" - Pope
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