/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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(207.9KB, 450x687)
If I had to bet, it would be similar to a theoretical Lowee, with Ram in charge instead of Blanc. That is so esoteric even I don't get the references.
I have no fucking clue what neptunia is about, sorry OP.
>How would Eris govern a country?
Probably by whispering weird things into the pineal glands of episkoposes.
The Discordian Society will gain territory and become the Eristocratic State, a highly confederated country made up of territories called episcipalities, each ruled by a different episkopos.
At least that's what Eris told me.
Replies: >>1500
She would just roll with it, like she rolls that apple.

What I get by reading /r/gamindustri, it would be a world where consoles weren't a total ripoff, and that world is when consoles are deities. 

The series must be Pro-Personal-Computer propaganda.
The question isn't how Eris would run a country.
It's where she would run the country.
Replies: >>1502 >>1507
Into the ground.
Replies: >>1503 >>1507
Welcome to Rundown, population: e^x

Countries normally run into the ground. I am going to bet she runs it to the moon.
Replies: >>1508
Do you know how much it would cost to get a whole country to orbit?
Replies: >>1509 >>1510 >>1511

If you build your planet around an eldritch abomination, it can be pretty cost effective. Especially if you are coaligned.
We already have our own planet. We just need to colonize it.
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five, maybe even ten, dollars.
Replies: >>1512
Here's thousand, yeet as many as possible, send the high gdp ones first.
(26.4KB, 236x335)
>get rid of bureacracy
>say things will get done
>things dont get done
>people get angry
>people blame each other
>eris is focused on teasing a few randos 
>the national defense weakens
>foreign influence increases
>Eris still leader of country
>foreign countries invade and stake claim
>Eris still claims sovereignty over country
>The citizens ask why?
>Eris laughs
Replies: >>1514 >>1515
>weakness and foreign influence
That's literally the most boring, most common situation. Almost every country is part of a sphere of influence these days.
There's no way Eris would be that boring.
Replies: >>1515
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that womans tiddies have no nippies
Obviously Discordistan would be counterintuitively one of the boringest places in the whole world. Travellers would tell tales of how incredibly dull their visits to that faraway land were. So little would happen that, when anything so significant as a fly being particularly annoying happened in that mysterious zone, news of such a great turmoil and upheaval would spread across the world like wildfire, causing moneymen to sell shares and military men to consider their war plans.
Replies: >>1516
There would be no country.
(13.4KB, 232x217)
It would be like what if Beyonce was the God-Emperor of (Wo)Mankind in Dune, except instead of consulting the orb or that fish aquarium thing she like has an orgy with a bunch of arabs, hispanics, light skinned asians, and french men, in a yin yang ritual orgy to supercharge her ability to forecast the future with tarot cards and guide humanity
Replies: >>1589 >>1590
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>and french men
Why are those pseudo-Enlightened people invited? Great way to get the Illuminati Francais Branch in your vagina, fool.
Pic extremely related.
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>It would be like what if Beyonce was the God-Emperor of (Wo)Mankind in Dune
not really that big a fan of beyonce, but there will be an order of sexy bene gesserit like erisian priestesses there, right? i'm pretty much cool with whatever as long as there will be an order of sexy bene gesserit like erisian priestesses there conducting some sort of drug induced long term spooky breeding program… and an all you can eat buffet of spice melange infused delicacies of course
Replies: >>1591
Yeah these singers are models for ideas, the whole idea is like Beyonce or whatever is like the Womb of the Universe, theres a plan and idea for this idea of having a female lead for a new age priestesshood styled religious organization, but it's like an idea still in development. I cant possibly think of a good word to describe it, not even priestesshood is a good word, this is the challenge of inventing the future, creating ideas or concepts that dont exist yet. You have to try and imagine how the 18th century would view 20th century communism or national socialism. Its challenging. But its something like youre thinking.
Replies: >>1592
It's called a coresanebo. Loosen up a bit, pal.
Replies: >>1593
Maury we gotta construct the blueprints of future civilization, ya gotta stay on the ball
Replies: >>1594 >>1595
Dammit Brain, I don't even believe the future exists! I'm sick o'ye shite.
Replies: >>1595
>>1594 (cont.)
I know you can't see it but I'm slamming down my drink on the table as I type this. You're just gonna have to imagine it.
Replies: >>1596
I'm struggling on the details. At what word does the dring slam to the wood. I assume it's wood… How about the swing, at what point does it start? Is it all vertical momentum, or do you put some swibg to it. I somehow imagine you're wearing pyjamas. Please tell me you're wearing pyjamas.
Replies: >>1598
>I assume it's wood
wood with a tablecloth, yes
>at what point does it start?
We're talking about pi/4 range of motion, no complex component in the morning
>or do you put some swibg to it
you just gotta swing it around, it's real emotion coming through, picture it.
>I somehow imagine you're wearing pyjamas. Please tell me you're wearing pyjamas.
Indeed. Astral inflexion has worked well for you I gather.
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