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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Clearly humanity as it stands … Ain't up to much
Replies: >>1583 >>1964
So you wanna kill everything? Or just whatever portion of everything we are capable of killing, and call it good? I personally would advocate waiting until we have access to a a kugelblitz so we can be sure we get 100% of some area, there's some micro-organisms that are tough as nuts.
Replies: >>1570
I thought I made it clear humanity need not engage itself with kugelblirzen or any other irrelevant and obsolete human technologies.
The entire species should delete itself.
Replies: >>1571
If you got no path to achieve that, why bother virtue signaling about it? If your ultimate goal is to just get rid of humanity, it's really vague at best. Is it enough if humanity evolves/devolves into something completely unrecognizable? How do you ensure that some ill-witted alien doesn't go all jurassic park and revive our species from some fossilized cum-sock? If we don't discuss about how, and more importantly why, I don't think this project has enough punch to it to succeed.
Replies: >>1572 >>1576
I forgot to say, immediately!
Punch?  Simply release the ordinances around the globe aimed fofor just such a purpose. The code is 37519. 
Replies: >>1573
I don't think we got infrastructure for such a thing. Even if on average one agent manages to kill 10 people before getting neutralized, we'd still need to covertly coordinate 800 million people to strike at the same time without the pro-life crowd noticing.
Replies: >>1575
All targets.  Fire all silos. Why is this unclear?  Clearly this race is worthless, so end it.
Replies: >>1577
Once all lives are extinguished the genetic residue and urban husks will be irrelevant. Rest assured, now do it!
So… why isn't anything happening?
i need help killing this rock. advice welcome.
sometimes gratitude is important to practice. 
for instance, I am grateful the world is filled with so many nieve brainwashed cynics like OP.
Replies: >>1581
what does a nieve look like?
Replies: >>1582
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Youre right, as a Native American Woman, I agree, fuck humanity. 

This is what the white man gets for multiracial colonization raping the land, the divine feminine, mother earth, its like the white man invited every race to have an orgy and rape the planet. This is why we should destroy the planet and the human race. I hate every race and especially men.

My plan is to take a DNA sample of everything I want from the planet, take everything we need to be aboard a spaceflight to colonize Mars, then we blow up the planet along with everyone on it that we left behind because they were assholes. HAHA, HOW YOU LIKE THAT ONE! 

We repopulate Mars or elsewhere with Earth DNA and start over. This is our plan.
Replies: >>1584
>We repopulate Mars or elsewhere with Earth DNA and start over.
and in one line you ruin the plan to save the universe. Everything must go!
Replies: >>1586
No after we colonize Mars we build this big black robot that has an ironically large phallic rod WITH humungous blades on the end and vortex portals that can crush and destroy ANYTHING in the Universe to consume energy and ironically end the universe, but this is going to take time. We'll talk later if this falls through.
Replies: >>1587
Han-Tyumi was right.
OP is comfirmed for being an edgy 12 yeazr
Replies: >>1966
you confirmed for being unable to comprehend time
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fed does a fedpost.mp4
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As a conservative, I say we start at the top and see how far we need to go down before things get better.
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