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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Which part of the world will become Erisian clay?
Replies: >>1739 >>1746
Oceania, Eurasia, Eastasia… and the disputed territories thrown in for good measure.
Wasn't there some beach we picked?
The Pangean Continent is rightful Erisian soil. The Aneristic forces thought they were sooo clever with their divide and conquer scheme, but it will just stick back together on the other side of the Earth. All the Eristic forces have to do is sit back a few million years. Until then you should be more worried about Erisian Waters than Erisian Clay. Anyone have room on their yacht or submarine for one more?
Replies: >>1744 >>1747
mundi est ridiculum; custodiunt illud quod modo
seize all the no man's lands between countries and set up tollbooths there-
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>Anyone have room on their yacht or submarine for one more?
It's not the nicest of yachts, but there's always room for one more… a lot of turnover with the crew for some reason.
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there is bentonite clay in alot of beauty products
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>Anyone have room on their yacht or submarine for one more?
a wild submarine appears at about 3:00 intuit
NATO is just an extension of America's unipolar power. They showed weakness in afghanistan and now russia and china are gonna try to make it a multipolar world again.
btw if ukraine didn't want russia on their back they shouldn't have ignored the minsk agreements, discriminated against russians and shell the separatists they're supposed to incorporate for 8 whole fucking years after signing.
Replies: >>1749
Nah ur wrong mr. Spambot, Nato is Joseph Biden's personal militia tasked to seize all the marshmellow candy around the world and bring it to him. The problem is that Vladolf Putler also likes marshmellow candy and tries to hide it from the NATO. Ukraine has become an innocent victim for some people's hunger for marshmellow candies, Putler just heard NATO was planning to do a marshmellow candy searching expedition in Ukraine, which was fine for ukrainians BTW, since their traditional cuisine doesn't include marshmellow, and that caused Putler to panic and hastily put together a marshmellow expedition himself. What does Putler even do with all his marshmellows? He certainly doesn't eat them since he isn't terminally obese. Does he just put them in a vault somewhere, just letting them rot? This is the reason people are killed and I hate it!
Replies: >>1750
funni. do you tell these stories to dying militiamen too?
Replies: >>1751
No, I tell them that [add the enemy country here] loves them and they fought well, they will wake up in heaven and all that bullshit
Replies: >>1752
I suppose you have never had the need to have anything to live for at all
Replies: >>1753 >>1760
I have the real deal, the sweet ass marshmellows. Is it that strange I find people manipulating someone's worldview just to gather more marshmellows distasteful?
Replies: >>1754
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all your marshmellows are belong to us
why would you need a reason to live when you're already alive? That simply doesn't make sense anon.
personally hoping for a nuclear holocaust
Replies: >>1762
I can grant you a personal nuclear holocaust
Replies: >>1763
it's not a holocaust if it's personal. If you bring something to class you have to share with everyone.
Replies: >>1764
>it's not a holocaust if it's personal
Why not, haven't you heard about solipsism? The whole universe dies with you.
Replies: >>1765
it's boring
Replies: >>1766
And as such fits you perfectly.
Replies: >>1767
yeah nuclear holocaust
super boring bro
might as well just watch tv
same thing
Replies: >>1768
No, I didn't say nuclear holocaust would be boring, I said you were boring. Pointlessly whining about wanting everybody to die in a global extinction event is just a garden variety misanthropy that has ran rampant since the invention of language.
Replies: >>1769
Eris's line is separate from all the gods that gave a single shit about humanity. It'd be strange to worship a goddess of strife and care for people all the same.
Replies: >>1770 >>1772
Gods in general don't give a shit about humanity. Worshipping is cringe and Eris laughs into her beard every time you do it.
Replies: >>1771
wrong board
Replies: >>1775
*raises hand* I do.
Eris is only a goddess of strife to greyfaces, because to them chaos and strife are identical. But they aren't.
Replies: >>1774
Of course they're not identical. Eris is goddess of both.
Replies: >>1777
Wrong universe boreface.
Replies: >>1776
go back to PD.com
Replies: >>1778
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Hold up, I'm getting a call
Mhm… Yup… Yup… OK, I'll tell em. Love you. Bye.
You're wrong.
For "worshipping" the Goddess of Strife you are quite shit at it.
Replies: >>1779
>strife is being funni xd and derailing
yeah no
Argument Professional.jpg
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>two people who both successfully entered an argument claiming the other isn't a real strife-knower
Replies: >>1784
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Truly Eris has blessed us this day
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