(812.6KB, 500x742) I posted this already on 4chan, but it seemed to me that most of the posts there, like in most social networks (even imitating an imageboard), are generated, and therefore only one person answered me, who, apparently, is not familiar with what I am talking about I say. I trust Erischan more.
The thing is, I really like Kira Yoshikage. I find his worldview quite adequate and practical. It so happened that now in my country there are some upheavals. Recently, the idea came to my mind that maybe Yoshikagism could help people a lot as an ideology. Its essence is to build the life of people and society in accordance with the worldview and behavior of Kira (excluding, perhaps, the destructive part in the form of violence). I, as a Yoshikagist, believe that if everyone becomes Kira and lives a quiet life, elects more Kira-like people as leaders, then this will lead to the prosperity of society.
What do you think of Yoshikagism as a political ideology? Sorry for the errors in the text, I translated it partially through Google Translate.