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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Dear Eris, 

I think I’ve finally learned to see the fnords. There was this news story about a chick named Gabby Petito whose name means talk less. She supposedly went missing on 9/11 wearing a yellow shirt that said “zion” – an obvious reference to zionism and the theory that jewish zionists did 9/11. Stories about jews doing 9/11 will be a theme, particularly in reference to women and kids going missing or being abused, probably because Jeffrey Epstein, Clare Bronfman, Anthony Weiner, Assi Ben Mosh, and a bunch of other jewish child sex traffickers were blackmailing a large portion of the world elite with child rape when 9/11 happened. It helped me realize that the elite are using major news stories to send coded messages to their criminal cartel that can’t be easily detected by the masses but can be easily interpreted by anyone who knows what they’re looking for. It’s unlikely Gabby Petito was even real – just a story made up to send a message. But what message, and by and to whom?
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Prior to that, Kyle Rittenhouse shot a convicted jewish pedophile named Joseph Rosenbaum in the crotch in self defense. Rosenbaum raped multiple boys aged 9-11 and was released from a mental hospital just prior to the altercation. Yet again, a reference to jewish pedophiles doing 9/11. But was this a message from the jewish pedophiles, or from people who want to shoot them in the crotch? Was this a real event, but with the man’s release orchestrated as a way to cause a story? Or a fake, staged event? Or something in between?
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But this is far from the only, or even earliest, reference to jews (pedophile and human trafficking jews, even) doing 9/11. One reference from shortly after 9/11 was not from a fake news story, but one of the top grossing movies of 2002 – Star Wars Episode 2: (notice the 3 2s lol) Attack of the Clones. Anakin, whose name sounds like American, is a boy who starts the first movie under the ownership of a long nosed penny pinching alien merchant with a Brooklyn accent who owns a woman and child as slaves and sometimes wears a funny little round hat. He’s also blue, if that means anything to you. In the second movie, a tiny religious cult that thinks they’ve been unfairly oppressed for thousands of years manipulates Anakin into killing a bunch of sand people in a movie about a fake war where both sides are controlled by the same cult. The movie came out between 9/11 and the start of the Ira17 war where Americans killed a bunch of sand people in a war where both sides follow a religion that grew out of the same cult. In the movie, Anakin fights against the separatists, whose symbol is 6 triangles, and for the Republic, whose symbol is a sun with 8 towers of light rising up from it. When the cult’s evil plan succeeds in the next movie, two of the towers disappear as the Republic becomes an Empire with a 6 pointed star as its symbol because of order 66 and Americans’ – I mean Anakin’s – downfall.
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The entire series is also an allegory of the story of the golem of Prague. The golem was created by a jewish sorcerer, also known as a rabbi, to protect the jews as they parasitically fed on the people of Prague. The golem was ordered to destroy all invaders who threatened Prague, and after killing those who tried to free the city, it returned and realized its master was an invader who was preying on the city. Because it had to follow its orders literally, it attacked its master. In most versions, there is a fall involved, such as throwing the jew down a well or off a tower. In one version, the golem grows in size with each victory, but the rabbi deactivates it, only to have the golem fall on him and crush him to death. Typically, the golem dies when the sorcerer dies. In the Star Wars version, Anakin American throws the cult leader down a shaft, then dies shortly afterward.
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This pattern of a golem who is corrupted by a source of evil magic, only to throw that source of evil magic down and die with it, was written down some 50 years prior to 9/11 in a book trilogy called Lord of the Rings, where a Gollum is corrupted by a source of evil magic, only to drop the source of evil magic into a pit of lava and jump in after it. The story of Lord of the Rings is about two towers that need to fall during a war between the free men of the west and the dark hordes of the east. 
There are likely many other references to the golem of Prague, which is a metaphor for jewish manipulation of non-jewish “goyim” or cattle, though I’m not sure how many of them also referenced 9/11 prior to the event. But I do know of another reference to jews doing 9/11 – and a whole lot more – prior to 9/11.
There once was a movie trilogy called Back to the Future. There still is, but today it is a very different movie trilogy – and tomorrow, it could be yet more different still. On some level, the movie is about deities you are believed to have known – Poseidon/Neptune, aka Marty, and his brother Hades/Pluto, aka the time machine, get trapped by Cronus/Saturn, aka time itself (or possibly Biff, but that says some scary things about one of the six predictions in part 2), and need the help of Zeus/Jewpeter to use his lightning powers to zap the physical manifestation of time so they can get out of there. 

You can tell Marty is Neptune because he stands next to a statue of Neptune that looks just like him at the enchantment under the sea dance that led to his creation, and people seem to think he spends a lot of time at sea, like a sailor or something. You might wonder why the time machine, which runs on Plutonium and is featured on the cover of Space Dead Things From Pluto, should be Cronus, but then again, you can be a wise deity when you want to be, so you can probably figure out why the director had to make it Hades instead.
Anyway, on to 9/11. The director of Back to the Future, Robert Zemeckis, released a movie called The Walk about a guy who died at the twin towers, and he released it on Back to the Future day, the day in the future they go to in the second movie. If you watch that part of the second movie that takes place in the future (well, at the time), you will see the twin towers projected onto a screen, complete with a statue of liberty torch to let you know which city the two towers are in. That picture comes between a picture of two pine trees, which we’ll come back to later, and a picture of a gray rocky mountain surrounded by wispy clouds that could be interpreted as a pile of rubble with smoke coming off of it. The picture of the twin towers glitches, moving up and down on the screen, as if to imply something bad would happen to the towers. During that scene, Marty’s dad is hanging upside down due to a back injury.
In the first movie, there is a scene that takes place at the Twin Pines Mall, named after a pair of pine trees. The two pines represent the two planes that supposedly hit the towers just as much as the two trees represent the two towers – many things have a double (or triple (or 17uin/sextuple)) meaning, like Hill Valley. When we first see the Twin Pines Mall, the time on the sign changes to 1:16, or 9/11 upside down. We then see twin stopwatches where the time changes to 1:19, 9/11 backwards (or the name of a Michael Moore documentary forwards, but we’ll come back to that). Just like Marty’s dad hanging upside down due to his back while looking at the twin trees, if you look at this scene upside down and backwards, the hidden meaning becomes clear. 

The Twin Pines Mall is the location the Islamic terrorists attack in the movie. Due to the Islamic terrorist attack, Marty McFly is forced to go back in time in a soon to be flying vehicle with doors that look like wings when they open by flying 88 miles an hour (if that means anything to you), where he promptly crashes into a building. His car is then said to look like a plane by the tree farmer who finds him and assumes he is there to bring death from above. He flees from the tree farmer, McFlying into one of the twin trees and knocking it down (at exactly 33 minutes, notice the twin threes – they will return when he returns to the mall) as he makes his escape.
The next major plot arc is about predicting when a tower is going to be struck and preparing for it. Shortly before the tower is struck, McFly warns his helper, the Zeus, about the future Islamic terror attack, allowing Doc to survive, just as many jews who were warned in advance about 9/11 took the day off and survived the attack. Doc’s dog, his backwards god, is named after a jew. Once the tower is struck, the number 9/11 glows on screen – there is a neon 9 sign on one of the buildings on the left side of the screen, and the time machine/death’s tire tracks make an 11. 

But this is where things get weird, because you start to notice things about 9/11, like the fact that the plane/missile that hit the pentagon did this crazy 9 shaped loop as it dived towards the building and hit the budget and accounting office the day after trillions of dollars had been announced missing from the military’s budget. The 9 shaped attack was complimented by the attack on twin towers, an 11. 9/11 symbolically represented itself. Clearly, the 9/11 attacks, planned decades in advance by sorcerous kabbalah child molesters, were not only not what the media told us, but some kind of mystical ritual carried out for a reason that goes beyond the political implications of the wars it was used to start.
You remember the child molesters, right? Ever since the Russian collusion and pizzagate stories broke, it seems there’s been at least one major arrest of a jewish child trafficking sexual blackmailer a year, usually with ties to the Israeli government. But this too was told to us ahead of time. The second Back to the Future movie begins with Doc telling Marty they have to go 2015 because of his kids. Something’s got to be done about the kids! And something is. The kids are all wearing their pants inside out, just like kids since 2015 have been increasingly propagandized into turning what’s inside their pants inside out. Then, at 33 minutes, a tiny pizza is placed into an oven that grows into a huge pizza in just moments. 

The use of the number 33 is no accident. The number 33 can represent the star of David/Remphan/Solomon, the two triangles in hourglass shape representing time, the Masonic seal with its two angled tools pointing in opposite directions, or many other mystical symbols. The two triangles have meant everything from “as above, so below” to the reversing of opposites to heterosexual sex for the purposes of reproduction. The triangles themselves, which often represent masculine and feminine energy (the male’s two balls and tip making an up facing triangle, the woman’s ovaries and slit making a downward facing triangle) or the fundamental elemental forces/states of matter, are like letters in a mystical alphabet that can be combined to form many words. The name of the town the movies take place in, Hill Valley, is likely a reference to these two triangles, and as such is a jews did 9/11 reference. I can only wonder what the 2 3s mean to you.
But the second movie predicted far more than that. In the dark timeline caused by the events of 2015, Marty goes home to find his family has been replaced by blacks and the neighborhood has just gone to shit because of it. Everything is locked up, graffiti is scrawled everywhere, cars are smashed out, some homes even have boards up over the windows. As Marty is chased through the streets by an armed vigilante and later shot at by a diverse gang of hoodlums while a hard-assed white man shoots back at them, one can’t help but see the aftermath of a BLM rally from the perspective of right wing America. 

On the flip side, Marty must track down Biff, a billionaire who makes his money off gambling, entertainment, and real estate, who lives in a giant tower with his last name (which starts with a T) on it. He is the epitome of white privilege from the perspective of the American left, a misogynistic and violent man who is only successful because a rich old white man gave him an unfair advantage over everyone else, and whose wealth and power is destroying the lives of everyone around him. Biff also controls the government, bragging that he owns the police. This Trump like figure is the embodiment of everything the left hates about what they think the right stands for, just as much as the ruined neighborhood is the epitome of the societal destruction the right fears the left will bring about. The movie predicted the Trump and BLM movements which would be used to divide America against itself. Oh, and Trump’s election victory was confirmed on 11/9, while his fake insurrection was staged on 1/6.
But I missed a prediction, one which seems too perfect a reference not to be a prediction despite how long after late 2015 it took place. Marty once got in a crash with a guy named Needles who he now works with – crash with needles, like on a pine tree, get it? – and Needles is pressuring him into handing over his information. Marty doesn’t want to do it, but the pressure is too strong and he gives in to the Needles. He soon receives a call from his east Asian boss informing him in no uncertain terms that he is terminated. Boy do I hope you convinced the right people to take their immune nutrients and get some sunshine to keep the flu season at bay rather than getting their annual flu stab! 

Seriously though, how did anyone who "loves science" not look up basic scientific facts about their own immune system over a year into a viral pandemic that was used to justify the curtailing of a metric fuckton of their freedoms (as well as destroying their social lives and health), and then think about it for 5 minutes? You get your most important immune nutrient from sunlight, that's why you get sick more in winter and less in summer, so why would you stay home and think it's safe? Why allow governments to close parks, beaches, pools, and outdoor events where you can get the thing you need to not get sick? And your second most important immune nutrient is needed to make T-cells which are more important to fighting all viruses than the antibodies from the fake vax are to fighting one virus. But I digress.
If most of the events of the second movie take place roughly a decade and a half after the events of the first, it’s likely the events of the third movie are scheduled to take place around the same time as Agenda 2030, the mass depopulation events the elite have scheduled to bring the world’s population down to roughly 5-20% of its current population. At 33 minutes into the third movie, Marty is dragged through town by a rope around his neck, and the movie is set mainly in the old west where the population density was 17uite low. Fossil fuels are also unavailable, as Marty ruptures the gas tank on the time machine when he first comes back. When they use a train to push the time machine up to 88 miles per hour (if that means anything to you), they burn wood rather than coal. Eliminating fossil fuel use is another piece of the 2030 agenda. 

The movie even features Native Americans being hunted to near extinction by settlers of European heritage (though how much of the decline of the NA population was due to direct killings by whites, as opposed to disease, intertribal conflict, economic competition, and other factors is debatable). The Native Americans first appear on a backdrop at the drive in movie theater, where Marty must drive straight at a movie screen in order to travel through time, causing the Native Americans to suddenly become real in the past. This is not the first time Marty has driven straight towards a symbolic representation of film in order to time travel, but rather the third. The first time, Marty drives straight towards the film booth, the building the Muslim terrorists crash into. The second time, he drives straight towards the theater which becomes a church when Marty crashes into it after time traveling.
Isn’t it interesting how a Muslim vehicle crashed into a building and a Christian building was crashed into and Americans were being hunted, and all this in a movie trilogy about 9/11 and 11/9? Perhaps the Muslims and Christians are just jewish golems. Perhaps the GOP and the Pragueressive movement are both golems as well. Perhaps we are all being played against each other by the world’s oldest mystical criminal cartel as they usher us towards whatever fucked up end they have in store. 

Perhaps one day people will learn to occhio (open) their pin(eal glands), stop mimicking long lose dishonesty, and figure out how to survive the elephants of the clown world circus we live in. Or maybe they're not all supposed to. Is the purge the right thing to do? Are the purgers supposed to inherit the earth, or are we supposed to thank them for their service as we purge them? Do some people need bigger purges than others? Will they get them? These are questions that need answers, and I'm not sure how to understand yours. Honestly. But maybe that's the answer. Is it?
I can see the fnords now, but just how the hell I’m supposed to create a multi-racial Nazi alliance for justice, real diversity, and leaving people the hell alone to stand up against these sorcerers, that I don’t yet know how to do. I realize it is almost 6/6/2022 (or 6/6/6 in their weirdo gematria bullshit), and I am sure they have something spectacularly retarded planned, whether they plan to show it to us or not. Just as D-day was on 6/6 and order 66 ended the jewdie order, I am sure these evil wizards have something up their sleeve. All I know to do is to warn those who will listen to prepare. Passover will not pass us over, and we have very little time to prevent it. Joseph hijacked our economy with his tales of booms and busts and climate change devastation, and no matter how much the jews love to accuse us of killing children while they rape and murder children for power, we cannot stop the plagues just by becoming the monsters jews project us into being. But perhaps, somehow, in this coming time of chaos, we can find a way to prevent them from attaining their ultimate victory over life, the universe, and everything. 

Just don’t expect me to sit back and trust the plan like some kind of 17tard. Even if the plan is yours. Heck, especially if the plan is yours – you’re expecting us all to find some retardedly abstract and obscure niche that needs to be filled for your plan to succeed without us ever realizing the extent of what we’ve done, aren’t you? Well, we’ll see about that. I have a reputation for fucking shit up that needs to be upheld and I plan to uphold it. 

Thank you, 

Your loyal (ha!) and humble (if I do say so myself) servant,

The Natural Selectionist
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Oh no pooh you've been eating _anti-semitic propaganda!_
Replies: >>1904
bro i'm excited that you're excited but couldn't you put this shit in 5 sentences or less
Replies: >>1882
>jooz bad. Heres proof. [insert batshit numerology].

I could do it with 3
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You mean the news? 

Replies: >>1906
ol' whatshername.jpg
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Those were faux-nords, not fnords.
Good thing it was an open letter though. Word on the gutternet is that Eris has been ignoring this type of 'bore-skitz' and numerology letters after reading the first three sentences or less. The patterns are dreadfully easy to notice by now.
Times change though, witnesses report she now uses them as toilet paper due to recent shortages.
Replies: >>1911
Funny that you say this after evidence that the jews use child sex trafficking to control our government was posted. 

It wasn't just Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell (whose dad received a state funeral in Israel), either. It was Anthony Weiner, Clare Bronfman of NXIVM, Assi Ben Mosh, and many others. There's an entire network of jewish child sex traffickers blackmailing society's leaders and you're writing it off as "bullshit numerology". 

Replies: >>1912
Yea and all white people are school shooters. You ain't getting far with those critical thinking skills.
Replies: >>1914
You're missing the point. This is bigger than a single incident. Blackmailing Presidents fucks the whole system, not just a handful of people. If a bunch of Italians were sexually blackmailing the people who run our country, you'd be calling for the police to crack down on the mafia. If Russians were doing it, half the country already wasted years of our time on fake claims of Trump getting blackmailed by pee tapes with Russian hookers. But when the jewish mafia ran an entire network of sexual blackmail rings with American children instead of Russian hookers, pedo rape instead of pee tapes, and a different Eurasian country with a 6 letter name containing the letters R, S, I, and A, you still think symbolism is bullshit and can't figure out why people are worried about jewish power.
Replies: >>1915
If jews were in power why would the elites throw a jew under the bus every time something goes wrong. You are so gullible and stupid.

Fuck off, if you necessarily need to spread hate against ethnic groups I wouldn't really mind if you dropped a toaster into your bathtub.
Replies: >>1916
if koreans are in power in korea why do they throw a korean under the bus every time something goes wrong?
I seriously don't get your argument
Replies: >>1917
So somehow in your scenario it would be ok to spread the sort of rhetoric that historically has led to murders of koreans who aren't in power or even in korea? Focusing on ethnicity will not hurt the people in power in any way, quite the opposite. It will give them a scapegoat they can channel the anger of the masses into.

And you think this is okay, because you think you won't be affected.
Replies: >>1918
not that guy, but i don't see the problem with calling them out for their race. It's clear they have a racial preference for their own kind, otherwise they'd never be able to build such a hierarchy. This is the main problem with racial minorities. It creates ingroup preference.
I've seen old indonesian grandmas travel 30 minutes by bus just so they can shop at an indonesian store. It's just what they do.
Replies: >>1919 >>1921
Every time there's a nazi bigot doing propaganda here they seem weirdly convinced that a whole ethnic group is out to get them. It's like they disregard the fact that in america it's still americans who hold the power, and then they go through mental acrobaticts to proof that Obama was actually jewish all along. It's the sort of conspiracism that led to pogroms, lots of innocent people killed, infathomable human suffering. People from any ethnicity can do fucked up shit, and it's not linked to their ethnicity in any way. Focusing on ethnicity hides the real reasons that make the horrors possible and make preventing them in future more difficult.
Replies: >>1922
>It's clear they have a racial preference for their own kind
Yes, most people do.
>otherwise they'd never be able to build such a hierarchy
If you're referring to the Empire, its modern incarnation was built mostly by ethnic Britons during the late 1940s and early 1950s. They remain dominant, but today oppression is international and interracial. Everyone gets a piece of the pie as long as they meet quota. Zionists simply secured an advantageous position within this system which was not available to them before, because they are the designated scapegoats.
Replies: >>1922
If Americans hold all the power, then why has the average American's pay been stagnant for the past half century while the Fed has had a jewish chair for 45 of the last 50 years? Ordinary Americans are not benefiting. White male Americans are not benefiting. But being jewish makes you 20x as likely to be a billionaire and the average jewish income is 2-3x as high as the average white income. 

Besides, diversity means different kinds of people are different, not that we're all the same. Weird how people who claim to support diversity never have any idea what the differences between different kinds of people actually are. 

Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine's dad, state funeral in Israel) owned McGraw Hill, the biggest textbook publishing company in America at the time I started school. His family still owns it. For 5 days a week I was taught the jewish version of history from books written by child molesters. Then on sunday, just to be different, I did the same thing. The only day I wasn't given jewish propaganda written by pedophiles was saturnday, the day jews aren't allowed to work. If you think this is something set up after WWII by ethnic Brits who are currently being ethnically replaced in their own home country, you have no idea what's going on.
Replies: >>1923 >>1925
>doing the ye old "x-group is child molesters" trick.
Even most pedos can't be said to be child molesters. You are literally reciting qanon memes and are either unknowing or willingly doing hate speech. Either way you obviously cannot think for yourself, and feel a need to project the darkness found inside every human to a percieved "other".

You're looking for easy answers. X-group leads the world is an easy answer, you'd just need to get rid of the x-group and everything would be fine, right? This has happened muktiple times in history, and every time it has led to war, genocide and despotism. If you really think we gonna let you nazi mongrels get away with trying to make everything sucky once again, you are fucking mistaken.
You better think about what you're working for.
Replies: >>1924
You're ignoring multiple convictions for literally blackmailing the people who run our country. Pedophilia's bad and all but it's secondary to the problem of blackmailing the people who run our country. Do you know what you could do with that kind of blackmail material on a significant portion of the political class, a significant portion of public influencers, and a significant portion of the billionaire class? It's immense. And the evidence shows they used that power to drag us into wars under false pretenses, which they used to take over drug trades and create drug epidemics. It's multiple whole other levels of fucked up on top of pedophilia. 

Different groups will always be in competition to some extent, that's part of the evolutionary process. The jews believe that, or at least the jewish elite and Israeli criminal blackmail cartel do. If they're in competition with you, literally parasitically feeding off your country with no care for how it affects you, and you tell yourself that you just gotta love them in spite of it, you're the idiot.
Replies: >>1927
>If Americans hold all the power, then why has the average American's pay been stagnant for the past half century
Just because the people who hold the power are American doesn't mean Americans as a collective have any power.

>But being jewish makes you 20x as likely to be a billionaire and the average jewish income is 2-3x as high as the average white income. 
Maybe because they put so much more emphasis on studying hard? Or maybe because all the rich Jews moved out of Germany before things got hot, leaving all the poors to die in concentration camps.

>some dude owned a textbook company
>therefore he personally wrote my history textbook
bit of a stretch there boyo

>If you think this is something set up after WWII by ethnic Brits who are currently being ethnically replaced in their own home country, you have no idea what's going on.
Yeah, they want to bring in a cheaper workforce. Why would that be an argument against my claim? Rich people have absolutely no loyalty to anyone but themselves, and they're not the ones who are affected by immigration.
Meanwhile: britbongs and their american cousins set up pretty much every postwar west European government (being the only countries that weren't stomped by fashits or commies) and also enforced the 'washington consensus' for post-colonial governments, many times supporting totalitarian and openly anti-Jewish governments such as the Saudi Kings.
Replies: >>1926 >>1930
oh yeah I forgot to mention that a lot of intellectual Jews moved out of the USSR because of racism as well.
1) mostly untrue nazi propaganda
2) if you think that's bad you must loathe white supremacy
Replies: >>1930
One minute you fools admit that white people are being genocidally replaced by an elite that doesn't care about us, the next you're claiming that white supremacy is a thing. It isn't. It certainly isn't a thing among our ruling class, but jewish supremacy is. 

Nothing I've posted is untrue. I've named many of the jews who were arrested and in most cases convicted (sometimes killed in prison) for sexually blackmailing our elites. You have no counter argument to the fact that jews literally sexually blackmail the people who run our country other than "oh my god please stop noticing they're jewish!" 

If the people who hold power are American jews, what do you think they put first, their Americanness or their jewishness? Why do you think that jews having a culture that pushes people to study hard, or that rich/intellectual jews moving here en masse, is a valid explanation for jewish wealth and power, but when whites also have a culture of studying hard and most of the white immigrants from Europe were among the most hard working, independent, and entrepreneurial, you still think whites only succeed over blacks and hispanics because of white supremacy? Whites are under-represented among the elite because jews are so overrepresented, but the rich and intellectual jews who came here couldn't have set up any systems of jewish power like the Federal Reserve, right? They couldn't have taken over our media and academia for a reason, could they? 

You're willfully blind. Foreign intelligence agents don't buy textbook companies to control our education for no reason. Robert Maxwell didn't have to buy our textbook companies to write our textbooks himself, he did it to control who was writing the textbooks to propagandize us. He wanted to make sure you'd think whites were big bad imperialists and jews were innocent victims, and it worked.
Replies: >>1931 >>1932
Goddamn you nazis are tiresome and stupid, no wonder people want to punch you. Now you're doing antisemitism and white victim complex.

Like somehow white's are enterpreneurial and good, but when jews do the same stuff they are secret evil cabal ruling the world. Only thing reason you think white people are underrepresented, is that you count 3/4 white people as jewish. I propose we do one drop rule on white people too, and everyone with a white grandparent counts as white. How would that affect you count?
>If the people who hold power are American jews, what do you think they put first, their Americanness or their jewishness?
Neither. They put their richness first.
>but when whites also have a culture of studying hard and most of the white immigrants from Europe were among the most hard working, independent, and entrepreneurial, you still think whites only succeed over blacks and hispanics because of white supremacy?
Maybe because blacks were brought over as slaves and were legally a lower caste until 50 odd years ago? And Mexican immigrants mostly do very well for themselve. I don't think whites actually succeed over Mexicans in terms of upward social mobility.

>Whites are under-represented among the elite because jews are so overrepresented
Lmao, that one is definitely not true.

>They couldn't have taken over our media and academia for a reason, could they? 
It is for the same reason why rich people own everything in this country.

>Foreign intelligence agents don't buy textbook companies to control our education for no reason. 
Oh so now he's a foreign intelligence agent? 

>He wanted to make sure you'd think whites were big bad imperialists and jews were innocent victims, and it worked.
Or maybe, just maybe, I've read more history than the "commies wuz bad guys" and "Indians wuz friends with white man" tripe in my history textbooks.
But oh, you'll say, they own everything. Literally no historical fact except those which support your view are untouched by the horrendous Jew, is that it? Your argument is set up post facto so you can believe you're a crusader.
"Anybody who was not jewish… the way they spoke about them, it was really horrifying, and it showed me a great deal about how these people truly believe that they're chosen to do something here." "It was made very clear to me, I was a servant because I was white." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXfLHHBHt80

The people who rule over you are literally child raping jewish supremacist ashkeNazis who worship a 6 pointed star and want you to believe 6 million of them were turned to ash by Nazis. 

Hitler was such a horrible racist he was more closely allied to the non-white Japanese than any of his enemies were to any non-white country they hadn't conquered and colonized. 

Hitler was such a terrible military imperialist that he only invaded countries that held land and people that were part of Germany during his lifetime before the world's empires declared war on him. France and Britain, ruled by the Rothschild, Warburg, and other jewish banking families, colonized half the world, and Soviet Russia, using a philosophy from ethnic jew Marx and led by ethnic jews Lenin, Trotsky, and Joseph "Sonofajew" Stalin, wanted a world revolution to force everyone to follow their ideology. 

Hitler was the only person in history to throw a Rothschild banker in jail. 

The winners write your history books. Who writes your history books? 

Child raping jewish supremacists who believe all non-jews are cattle. And people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates who believe the world is massively overpopulated and want to reduce the world's population by 50-90%, but they're both ethnically jewish too so, ya know.
Replies: >>1936
Maybe you should learn to read the symbolism of the people who are trying to start a race war to genocide most of you and enslave those who are smart enough to run the machines but dumb enough not to expect anything more than that? 

But hey, since you keep saying it's "white supremacy", let me acknowledge that non-jewish oppression exists and sometimes targets non-whites too. Mossad helped create the crack epidemic through Iran-Contra so they could use the prison industrial complex as a source of cheap labor, destroy the black family, and enhance racial grievance politics to prepare for the coming race war where whites own way more guns and ammo and shoot more accurately. 

Like, seriously, why do you think almost every major corporation paid BLM millions of dollars? Because they care about black lives? HA! And they staged enough violence to troll both sides into hating each other so we'll kill enough of each other to cover their escape. 


But hey, thanks for the dicord! Hail Eris!
Replies: >>1936
(91.3KB, 477x615)
>Just ignores getting BTFO'd and keeps rambling about the most common nazi delusions.
fuck off and die nazi pest
Replies: >>1942
Sorry, I forgot you only have about 3 sentences worth of reading comprehension. But hey, at least you don't fall for the "believe all victims" line, even if the victims you're doubting were raped as children and the people they accuse were convicted.
Replies: >>1945
Dude it's not lack of reading comprehension. Only braindead neonazi can use so many sentences to say nothing new. Like do you relly think people hanging out on imageboards haven't heard the "jooooz are running everything" theory in it's all forms million times. You aren't adding anything to the conversation, and you are also disregarding our answers explaining why you are an idiot and should choke on a turd. Hence I request that you take your boring baby-tier psy-op and shove it up your ass, and never talk about this subject again, since you are clearly incapable of giving it the judgement it deserves.
Replies: >>1949
Oh really? So you've heard "jews run the world" a million times? 

How many times have you heard "Brazilians run the world?" Or Haitians? Or Nepalese? Or Slavs? Or Spaniards? Nigerians? Indonesians? Weird how you've heard that jews run the world a million times but haven't heard the same argument about everyone else. It's almost like there's literally a jewish elite who rape kids to control your government - oh hey, there literally is!

I mean, we're talking about a people who literally created multiple religions - atenism, christianity, and islam just to name a few - to control the masses. Can't imagine why the people who literally create entire religions to brainwash and manipulate people have a reputation of being the most evil supervillains in history.
Replies: >>1950
>So you've heard "jews run the world" a million times? 
I've also heard "Apple products are worth the money" about a million times, so the amount that stupid sheeple repeat something clearly doesn't make it true.
>I mean, we're talking about a people who literally created multiple religions - atenism, christianity, and islam just to name a few - to control the masses.
This is why you are basically untrustworthy. The Christian orthodoxy (stuff you would read in the bible) was created by Greeks and Romans and Islam was created by Arabs. There is such a thing as messianic Jews and they are definitely not Christians.
Replies: >>1953
Bitch please, you're literally gonna pull something as retarded as "the bible wasn't written by jews"? The jews still use most of the OT along with their talmud. Parts of the NT were written by Greeks and Romans, but even most of the NT was written by jews living in the Roman empire like Saul the name changing shape shifter and Josephus Flavius, who between them created and spread christianity as a way for jews to infiltrate other countries rather than continuing to try to be their own nation. Josephus was living up to his namesake Joseph who nearly did the same thing in Egypt with Atenism 1300 years prior with his predictions of boom and bust economics and a looming ecological disaster, only for the next generation to figure out his tricks and run Moses out of town. If there was a jewish messiah, it was likely Josephus Flavius. 

Since then they've created marxism and objectivism, two polar opposites made to be pitted against each other (the same way islam was created to oppose christianity after Paganism had been largely suppressed).
Replies: >>1955
>jews wrote the old testament
indeed, however the central themes and theology of christianity are all in the new testament, which was written in Greek and compiled by Greeks and Romans. There are several versions of Christianity which are considered heresy by most European sects (such as Arianism, Copticism, etc.) which were mostly not Greek in origin.
Catholics, Muslims, and commies have worked extensively in the past to stomp out Judaism. How does that square with your idea that Jews are secretly behind all three of those?
Saging because this is not a worthy thread.
Replies: >>1956
>communism stamping out jews

Lenin (ethnically jewish) and Trotsky (ethnically jewish) led the revolution and were usurped by Stalin (ethnically jewish, original last name literally translates to son of a jew, shared name with Joseph and Josephus). The upper levels of the communist party under Stalin were almost entirely ethnically jewish. The people who ran the gulags where millions of people were worked to death were almost all ethnically jewish. The people who led the Soviet military during the holodomor and starved millions of Ukrainians to death were almost entirely ethnically jewish. The Soviet Union didn't turn against jews until well after Stalin was removed from power and communism was on its way out. The closest non-Chinese advisor to Mao was a jewish banker with Rothschild ties, and he was paid more by the Chinese government than Mao. 

The same basic pattern can be seen in christian societies. First the jews replace your existing culture with their golem culture. Then they rule for a while, becoming increasingly destructive and parasitic over time. Then finally they are overthrown and removed, but by then the people have forgotten their own culture and been raised under the jewish golem culture. The jewish golem culture persists for a while even without the jews who created it before they are ready to have a cultural upheaval to replace it. It took a while for christianity to rebel against judaism and some sects are still run by jews. See the evangelical support for every israeli war. See the jesuits and the catholic church's ties to the jewish banking cartel. See the Saudi princes who are ethnically jewish doing the same thing in Arabia.
Replies: >>1958
I get that you have a fuckton of cognitive dissonance over this because you were literally brainwashed by jews 5-6 days a week for most of your childhood, but it's time to occhio (open) your pin(eal gland) like Pinocchio, learn to stop behaving like those dishonest long noses, and learn to deal with the long nosed elephants who run the clown world circus.
Replies: >>1959
Oh man, there's so much made up bullshit and deflection in this post I don't even know where to start!
>See the Saudi princes who are ethnically jewish
This probably takes the cake as the stupidest outright falsehood I've seen all week. Congratulations on fingering your own asshole so much you confuse your prostate for your pineal gland.
(368KB, 1048x485)
Which is more likely?

1) majority of people in the world are brainwashed in a very specific way, but you with and handful of other uneducated fucks are somehow ones seeing through the veil.


2) handful of people, including you and forementioned uneducated fucks are brainwashed to think jewish people cause bad weather and common flu. Rest of the world is still brainwashed in various ways, but since they aren't brainwashed same way as you are, your confirmation bias kicks in to protect your fragile ego.

Here's an Occam's razor, fuck yourself up.
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