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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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(96.3KB, 905x1005)
So you're an misanthrope, huh?

You want all these gross whiny humans to be extinct. Sure, why not. Nobody is stopping you. The problem is, you're dumb and you have no idea how to exterminate the dominant species of planet. You try mass shooting, genocide, enviromental catastrophe, a nuclear fucking annihillation, and every time those pesky apes climb out from their bunkers, now even more cautious and resilient.

You're doing it wrong. Your futile murderous rampage is as useful to achieving your goals as antibiotics are to get rid of bacteria. Lucky for you there's a better plan.

We need to achieve utopia. A world without borders, world where every person can feel loved and accepted. No racism, no sexism, no classism. We need to remove all the sharp edges from the world, so people grow fat and complacent. Too satisfied to their life they could even imagine anyone would want to end it. We'll give it a 1000 years or so, and if we still feel like ending humanity by then, nobody would know how to resist.

Now get on with the program or shut the fuck up.
And how are you going to feed all these useless eaters exactly? Agriculture is the deadliest industry in America by deaths per hour worked. Construction is the deadliest by total deaths. Someone's going to have to sand down all the rough edges. Sounds like you're trying to create a two class society of workers and takers. That won't accomplish your goal, but it might accomplish the working class rising up and taking over the world in an entirely anti-communist fashion.
Replies: >>1938 >>1951
(74.4KB, 768x1024)
Option /b/; equip killowatt class laser weapons that blind people instantly and for life just by having them exposed to the emmiter
Robotics you dumbfuck. If that's not enough some weird future tech will help us out. The exact way isn't important as long as we agree on the goal.
Replies: >>1939 >>1940
(49KB, 768x1024)
>Destroys your robots
>Blinds your plebs for life
(60.6KB, 768x1024)
I swore an oath on god and the temple of god and all his glory to fight against fags like you.
Replies: >>1941
(68.6KB, 750x1000)
Okay memeboy, how are you gonna stop me from sucking this dick?
Replies: >>1943 >>1952
(2.8MB, 1280x720)
Replies: >>1944 >>1951
That webm didn't stop me and I sucked all the essence out of the sweet cock. I'm growing more powerful every day, I cannot be stopped anymore. Those semen retention people are right about cum being sacred, but they don't realize how easy it is to get MORE.
(161.2KB, 474x260)
>So you're an misanthrope, huh?
No. Should I continue reading?
Replies: >>1948 >>1951
(234.6KB, 368x291)
>boring attentionposter tries to derail again
nice try, raver boy
Reading is slow and makes you a nerd, watch movies instead!
>We need to remove all the sharp edges from the world, so people grow fat and complacent. Too satisfied to their life they could even imagine anyone would want to end it. We'll give it a 1000 years or so, and if we still feel like ending humanity by then, nobody would know how to resist.

Nah you'd still get a bunch of Bedouins or Berbers or whatever that would willingly live in their deserts. These are people who have watched civilizations rise and fall before, they're smarter than to buy in to a scheme such as this.

>Agriculture is the deadliest industry in America by deaths per hour worked.
I thought it was logging?
>but it might accomplish the working class rising up and taking over the world in an entirely anti-communist fashion.
Indeed, their rallying cry might be something like "workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your iphone!"
>stock looks like it would fucking cut you
very nice
Replies: >>1954
I'm gonna knock you out harder than your spergfather should've before I have that precious cock all for myself and there's nothing your cumskinned ass can do about it.
Technically tree farming is a type of farming and logging is therefore counted under agriculture as a broad industry. Logging is the deadliest single job, but commercial fishing and cattle ranching also make the top 10.
Replies: >>1960
Is any of these hobbies inherently dangerous, or has the demand of efficiency made them like they are? Would the situations where people die or get maimed be avoided if the hobby wasn't people's lifeline, and they could just nope out of situations without necessary safety precautions.
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