(96.3KB, 905x1005) So you're an misanthrope, huh?
You want all these gross whiny humans to be extinct. Sure, why not. Nobody is stopping you. The problem is, you're dumb and you have no idea how to exterminate the dominant species of planet. You try mass shooting, genocide, enviromental catastrophe, a nuclear fucking annihillation, and every time those pesky apes climb out from their bunkers, now even more cautious and resilient.
You're doing it wrong. Your futile murderous rampage is as useful to achieving your goals as antibiotics are to get rid of bacteria. Lucky for you there's a better plan.
We need to achieve utopia. A world without borders, world where every person can feel loved and accepted. No racism, no sexism, no classism. We need to remove all the sharp edges from the world, so people grow fat and complacent. Too satisfied to their life they could even imagine anyone would want to end it. We'll give it a 1000 years or so, and if we still feel like ending humanity by then, nobody would know how to resist.
Now get on with the program or shut the fuck up.