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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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I am launching a new culture jamming project as part of Operation Mindfuck.

Goal : Make sex more accessible to non-rich and non-drunk people.

Methods : 

1 Posting porn references in meatspace.
2 Replacing the soundtracks.
3 Sharing cost effective hedonism tips.
4 Co-opting churches.
5 Defeating rich dudes and psychotherapists that don't want the competition.
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Culture jamming is typically a counter-culture, not an average modern marketing team strategy.
>5 Defeating rich dudes
you must explain
Replies: >>2023 >>2024

Most likely in the court house.
Redistributing sexual capital, by force if necessary.
Replies: >>2025 >>2026

I should read up on Catherine Hakim's research.
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Jammers of the world must seize the means of reproduction
Honestly the talk about sexual capital makes my skin crawl. Whole idea is based on the neoliberal view of human as a self-interested rational individual, who coldly calculates who they should fuck.

The reason sex and sexuality sucks right now is precisely the commodification of every human impulse and need that exists. Reason people don't fuck you is the fear of emotional consequence of being treated like yet another product to make the pain go away for a minute before getting tossed away in the enviroment of constant novelty.

If you want to make sex more available, you should make people feel more safe, since sex is fun and people want to do it. Everything suggested in this thread by now would just do the opposite.
Replies: >>2028

"Just Be Yourself" malarkey doesn't work for everyone.
Replies: >>2029
"yourself" is in most cases a conglomerate of shitty media influences and toxic behavioural patterns. Essentialization of some kind of sexual prowess people are born into or not is a cop out designed to occlude real causes and keep the loneliness industry rolling.
You want sex? Arrange to buy a house 30K above market value, pay 5K to prev. owner for cooperation, keep 25K of excess mortgage $$$ yourself, buy sexbot in 5 years.
Replies: >>2052

That sounds like Red Pill, Bankster, griftsense. That could have come out of Turd Flinging Monkey's mouth.

The realtor would probably dominate you after the deal because they know you wouldn't say anything. You signaled that they can screw you anyway they want.
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I am not just some dumb ass atheist that is making a parody of religion. 

I seriously have been snubbed, and I'll use any tool including chalk to fix it.
Replies: >>2103
It's not a parody, but it still ain't serious hon.
Replies: >>2123
I can't take anyone seriously if they use the word "hon" like that, even if it is a parody.
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I made a bigger circle yesterday, and I cast curse on a tweeker. Still working on implementing the curse.
Replies: >>2125
I would think it easy to curse a tweeker, since they have laid so much of the groundwork to stack the odds in your favor, but, in such a case, a blessing might work just as well. In any event, may he live to see interesting times and chalk it up to random circumstance as he walks the straight and narrow.
Replies: >>2126
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So I know what curse I am going to implement for the neighborhood of the tweeker, because we know the best curses don't implement themselves.

This one is called Curse of Pride. 

I am going to get a bunch of white beach balls. Spray them with glow in the dark paint and paint Sharingan onto them. Then I am going to hand them out to the neighborhood kids, and generally spread them out around the complex. 

The balls are coming from https://www.walmart.com/ip/White-11-Beach-Ball-Party-Favors-12-Pieces/584644282.
Replies: >>2173
Mission Accomplished - Serial robber wanted for violent thefts arrested after carjacking - www.wpxi.com.png
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The curse worked. The tweeker has been jailed!

Are there safe spaces for discussing Porn yet? 

An artist friend suggested Erotic art museums but they are few and far between and can barely stay open. 


I want less Acadia and more Burger King on the sliding scale of fanciness. 

There are online porn forums, but if I had to guess, they are probably ghost towns or bot matrices.

Many strip clubs don't have anything to do off of peak hours, maybe they can feature porn.
Replies: >>2177
What about porn you want to discuss?
Replies: >>2178

I want to tag the scenes more and collect more stats. 

I also want to talk about the story lines, background music, the character MBTI and Enneagram, and how possible the premises are.
Replies: >>2183
Angel of The Universe.webm
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You've seen this masterpiece?
Replies: >>2190
Is there more?
Replies: >>2302
Todo : Figure out how to make Femcels act like Succubi.
Replies: >>2300
They already do very succubus-like in on aspect: not existing.
Replies: >>2301
>succubi don't exist
Take your CIA misinformation and shove it up your butt while moaning eagerly.
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sounds like a good idea.

we should do pubic hair wheat pasting campaigns
with merkin outreach. 

stage large protests that are circle jerks and masturbation gatherings. 

poster and flyer campaigns 
saying its okay to orgasm.
invite people to watch you orgasm. 

demand and circulate petitions demanding cum and pornography be treated as legal tender.

get those hidden buzzers or those screecher alarm/bombs and instead of an annoying tone. just a track of people cooming. 

or a track played over supermarket or mall speakers thats the sounds of fapping.
This time the sexual revolution needs to be toppling statues and stuff. To fuck them.
Replies: >>2372
Operation Sex is a go.
Thia thread is a cross post from 2011 facebook group called "How to tell if my duck is pregnant?"
Replies: >>2371
Your ass seems to be a bit chafed for having been called out.
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>toppling statues and stuff.
>To fuck them.
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I am also going to start donating cheap tarot card sets everywhere. They seem to make people more expressive. I bought 3 of these for a book drive. 

If I could get more for less, I would want to start flooding other book donation programs with them. 

I also want to play French Tarot someday. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Tarot
Replies: >>2374
You should mix in silly cards with the usual deck.
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