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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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This attached graph shows the rate of crime in US declining over the years. How can you claim that raising black population can be cause of crime if there is such a clear negative correlation. Meanwhile white population has been plummeting with the crime rate. Coincidence? I think not.
>How can you claim that raising black population can be cause of crime if there is such a clear negative correlation.
Because correlation doesn't imply causation, unless its in favor of an argument I support!
My theory is that white people cause crime, since when white people have political power they force black people globally into poverty and shitty living conditions, which makes them turn to crime. What is happening now is that slowly deciling white population frees up political power that is being picked up by impoverished black people who use it to make their lives better, decreasing the crime rates. Healing is slow, but in 1000 years or so when last white person finally dies of testicular cancer, we can go back to the Garden of Eden that existed before white people were invented.
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