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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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(123.9KB, 800x697)
What is the Time? Why do we let her get away with stuff? Are the ways people structure Time useful, or yet another wall to keep us locked in the metaphysical state of slavery?

In this thread we discuss current/past/future chronopolitical happenings, and ways we can allocate Time better to the needy and the deserving via POLICY.
Replies: >>2086
>Why do we let her get away with stuff?
too fast for me to catch
3189 should be a fun year. there's an interesting theory about even-numbered years
Replies: >>2082
You could make up a new calendar and live the year 3189 over and over again. Who's gonna stop you?
>death needs time for what it kills to grow in
Replies: >>2085
death dont need time he already rotted out
(265.5KB, 495x358)
>ways we can allocate Time better to the needy and the deserving via POLICY
As far as daylight savings time is concerned, I want a refund!
Replies: >>2087
Sorry sir, I'm not allowed to give them back, your daylight savings are stored in a secure place and they are accumulating interest until you retire.
Replies: >>2095
As humanity has gotten better in measuring time time has become more serrated. Peaks of activity at even hours, counting minutes until the egg is properly boiled. You can feel the pulse of seconds going through your body, you've been conditioned for that. In even smaller timescales computer clocks all around as go through their mechanistic cycles, synchronizing everything into a breakneck tempo of the new world.

We have digitized time itself.
>your daylight savings are stored in a secure place and they are accumulating interest until you retire
We both know that's not true. Those hours are being siphoned off and handed out to good for nothing neets. By the time that I'm able to retire, there won't be any left. I want them back!
Replies: >>2108
(83.8KB, 1023x680)
You should not disrespect the banking system like that, kiddo.
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