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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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so what's the deal with fascists being all mystical n shiet? Out there making up "pagan" rituals to connect them to their race consciousness or whatever.

For that matter what's up with the fashit discordians?

I get that the entire ideology is basically "hey what if we deceived a bunch of boobs into supporting our seizure of power with our cool /aes/thetic" but why pick the aesthetics that make you sound like a cokehead college student?
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>so what's the deal with fascists being all mystical n shiet?
When you have religion to justify you that's all you need. Goebbels was obsessed with retvrning to paganism and created an insane theology around his ideas. Atlantis and ice giants and so on. The loathesome inheritors of this have only expounded on it.
>For that matter what's up with the fashit discordians?
No clue. This is basically the only discordian circle I get around in so I haven't really seen them.
>why pick the aesthetics that make you sound like a cokehead college student?
Because a lot of them genuinely are this. Most of the fashits I knew who weren't putting on this 6'5 ubermensch facade were genuinely all drug addicts who were in post-secondary and hated their parents, who were probably paying for their school. Not that long ago I started talking to some guys who were outside of those confines, they were old balding dudes with kids, but honestly they just seemed like old school /b/tards who never grew up so they were cokehead college students at one point and never left that personality behind.
Mysticsm provide the right kind of secret trivia about the world you can make people fall into the illusion of the Real World(TM) being revealed to them with. That's why cults everywhere rebrand esoteric teachings into sruff their great guru came up with. Only reason it works is that people are generally unaware of even basic mysticsm, so they got nothing to compare the revelations they've been shown to.

In a fun parallel contrast, marxism works in very similar basis, historical materialism is treated as a lens, through which the true nature of the society is illuminated. What differentiates it from the earlier tradition of western philosophy is that it's designed to appeal to the working class, who are unlikely to have any alternative lenses to play with.

Over all this is a powerful historical pattern, which really highlights how unstable the reality people inhabit is. People yearn to explore alternative worlds so much it can be exploited by ideologies.
Replies: >>2169
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>In a fun parallel contrast, marxism works in very similar basis, historical materialism is treated as a lens, through which the true nature of the society is illuminated.
That is a fun contrast, because while it's sort of the opposite (a strictly materialist philosophy) it still accomplishes the same goals as mysticism does in fascism. Good thonk pope!
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