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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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perminatly bannd from r-atheism for supporting fascism in these posts? www.reddit.com.png
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I finally made it. I got banned from /r/atheism for "supporting fascism".

Fascism is apparently when Republicans implement Liberalism.
What particular liberal policies are you thinking of?
Replies: >>2184
By you saying there's no difference between too parties, you are ignoring the issues that actually have real life impact on some people's lifes that the parties differ on. If you don't give context on why u think "identity politics" should be ignored, you will easily get conflated with fascists who see the trouble of minority groups as non-issues or even preferable.

To make this all better you should apologize to liberals by chanting McDonalds tune to a marshmellow until it get dissolved into aether. If you see squirrels looking at you weirdly the next day it means your apology was accepted.

The Republican policies that were old Democratic policies from 12 years ago.
Replies: >>2185
Such as?
Replies: >>2186

Stimulus packages
Replies: >>2187 >>2275
Not a particularly liberal policy, bud
Replies: >>2188

What kind of policy is it?
Replies: >>2189
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A stupid one
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…that doesn't really have anything to do with liberty. I mean, you could debate it panders to the framework of social liberalism (the most progressive minor segment of the Democrat party) rather than liberal conservatism (most of the Democrats and most of the Republicans). So technically you could call it liberal, but so is the entire Libertarian Party by definition, most of the Republicans and a most of the Democrats. So it's a useless word within USA politics, even if USA citizens misuse it constantly to refer to progressivism and social justice.

I would like to take this opportunity to add that the left-right spectrum is garbage. No, I'm not saying ideologies are the same, I'm saying that putting them on any single arbitrary spectrum is a horrendously counter-productive, inaccurate and idealistic model of understanding them, and even worse that the definitions of 'left' and 'right' vary from person to person, country to country because its not a real word, it was a seating position in France two centuries ago.

Picrel, because screencaps are More Readable than actual historical books on liberalism or even basic wikipedia articles amirite.
Replies: >>2391
Athiests are worse than communists, prove me wrong.
Replies: >>2393
It's peak liberalism when bunch of liberals are accusing a group of other liberals for being liberals. It's not a glitch, this is actually the reason why liberalism is the most successful system on the planet.
>yelling at clouds is worse than getting bread
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