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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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ancap anime.jpg
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I want to totally remove ANY and ALL traces of myself legally,sociallydigitally. I need advice,insight,feedback.
>cutting up and stitching my fingertips( for the prints). Somehow modifying my Dental Register
>doing a rather extreme body transformation(muscle gain and fat loss,etc). Also copious daily hours of "face yoga"
>fake contact lenses,shaving all body hair so 0 DNA traces.

im also fanatically anti-tax so I view money,itself,and property(currently)as tax,in themselves.
I also want to detox myself from nanobots,g5, GMOs. And I will seriously live inside a faraday cage;i believe in the sattelite-G5-chemical-industrial food complex MKultra stuff.
Replies: >>2205
Do me a favor and check if burning your fingertips with lye actually makes you not leave fingerprints
Replies: >>2207
All the hoops one must jump through to feel "free"
Replies: >>2207
I also need,I forgot to say this,totally change my: body language,tone of voice/register/manner of speech and accent, AND my caligraphy,hand-writing.
Just say that you want to become a woman, it's okay to be trans, you are valid.
Replies: >>2209
"valid" is a far-left term. no right winger or conservative uses that category of thought
Replies: >>2210 >>2212 >>2260
There's many categories of thought that right wingers and conservatives are incapable of using tbh
Learn Spanish, dye your skin brown, move to Guatemala. Nobody gives a shit what Guatemalans do, not even NORAD.
I am far-left.
pack your shit, move to fucking kyrgyzstan, buy a house for 3k and live there peacefully.
neither of those words have a meaning, you absolute imbecile.
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>im also fanatically anti-tax so I view money,itself,and property(currently)as tax
…. so you think we should abolish money, tax and property as we know it. Good stuff, comrade.
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