/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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This post will be brigaded and possibly deleted by the bidetists but I have to speak the truth that everyone else is too afraid to say. 

Bidets are ineffective and a waste of money. All they do is squirt water at your ass, you have to turn it up to the point where your literally power washing your entire rectum before it actually removes poop. You're better off using bargain bin toilet paper. Its not any more clean or sanitary because if you finally do remove the poop it just runs down your gooch. And then you have to wipe anyway to avoid having a wet spot in your ass. These things are being pushed on us from all sides and they just suck. They're trying to force us to use these disgusting French things and so many on the internet just go along with it, nobody speaks out. Dissenters are doxxed, gangstalked, and their identities are stolen and sold to Nigerians. We are being FORCED to walk around with wet buttholes and so many people have DELUDED themselves into thinking it's better. Sick fucks, I hope they rot in hell the disgusting creeps.

So anyway what are the governance implications of this?
Fuck you buddy, trees are more important than water!
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>We are being FORCED to walk around with wet buttholes and so many people have DELUDED themselves into thinking it's better.
That's what the toilet paper is for. You don't just walk out with a waterbutt do you?
Water literally falls out of the sky
Replies: >>2431 >>2432
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So what, you're just gonna bend down so it goes down your butt hole? Disgusting. I bet your French.
Replies: >>2434
Lies, have you ever tasted rain"water"
You bet my French? In that case, I bet your Dutch.
Agree with OP. Plus another benefit of TP is that its portable and unbreakable and doesn't require who knows what engineering.
Replies: >>2442
Water engineering
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If you are reading this, I have committed and act of terrorism against the toilet-industrial complex. Your bowl may be next!
Who the fuck uses toilets? I just throw my shit out with the trash. Saves loads of water.
Replies: >>2475
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piss kulaks.png
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>I just throw my shit out with the trash.
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In my country, we have a second constitutional amendment giving us a right to a portable bidet.
Replies: >>2477
I tried using one of these in a music festival, but the water must have been spoiled because I was tripping balls afterwards.
I sit on the tub  and use the detachable/hose shower head. Try it, no going back, works great even on extremely hairy assholes like mine
ps ( showerhead guy here) when out I'll take a piece of paper towel. Wet it in sink before a big shit when your away from home. Paper towels are bad for toilets but who cares when it's not yours
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