/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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(184.5KB, 2048x1365)
Holycow shit damn son
>It's happening again
We need to print the Damn book on the photocopier of the prosecutor of the case who is investigating the case right now!!! Holycow shit!!!!
>Go fast call the German-sino-aryan-bolivian hackers for relative infinite printing and call the society for safe fap and condoms & co. for free paper and condoms!!!!
>What the fuck going to happen now???
Replies: >>2635 >>2641 >>2655
>>2634 (OP) 
Is it happening again?
I hope it's not an far-right alt-right q-anon thing or we're fucked up.
>look at this fnord
Replies: >>2636 >>2640 >>2641
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Look at this fnord
I have already reached another conclusion
Everything will be ok
>The goverment like to much fnord and trash food.
The government always seeks order and most people like to eat hamburgers afterwards so there will be peace of mind in anytime.
Regression to the mean
Like happy hippie old days.
Replies: >>2641
All this shit over some boneless pizza and steamed toast?
looked like they took out that guys ear piece but his comb over got him covered
Replies: >>2639
>they take out the earpiece
>speaker stops talking and trails off
>rally ends
Who is the man behind the curtain dictating their speech? Clearly this goes deep if they can't do anything without their guiding earpiece intact.
It was clearly a setup to get more views. That wasn't even Trump.

Lmao, this poor fool. Of course the CIA is behind our disinfo campaigns, or more rightly, we're behind the CIA disinfo campaigns. The truth is that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Discordian operative, we had JFK assassinated in order to promote the publication of our holy book.
Replies: >>2641 >>2642
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>>2634 (OP) 
>You must mindfucking kidding me
The whole q-anon shit its a OM Holycow shit?
Why we have kuk-kek in a fucking illuminati card???
Im shocked popes
>Trump do on porpose
>The CIA Glow-nigerundayo do it
That make more sense but its boring and sad.
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Wait... what?
I'm Perplexed
Replies: >>2646 >>2654 >>2675
Oh wow
The last comment on that page is very informative in history and memes.
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Oh fuck ¡MU!
Replies: >>2645 >>2653 >>2675
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Kinda looks like biden... ah nahh.
chaos prevails.png
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In our crosshairs since 1972. The Pope shall defeat its rivial, whether it be Bob, Pepe or Marge.
I cannot look upon American politics as anything more than a dramatic theater.

Hence my new ambition: pornographic comedy! Presidential blowjobs throughout history! I just need 40ish hung men, powered wigs and costumes. We'll start with Jefferson,end with Clinton, add some oddly specific political commentary for each president; it's patriotic porn the whole group can enjoy!
I just don't know how to get it started.
Replies: >>2648
There's plenty of references to build this empire of fun upon. PatriotPorn™ is a thriving genre! But it lacks feeling and scale and bloj. Just people in costumes. Not enough!
Replies: >>2653 >>2654
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So're ya winning son?
Sound like old school games lol
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>Maybe Trump do on pornpose and he's a CIA glow nigerundayo
>or maybe he's a KGB russian agent the whole time
>Or maybe he's a Discordian... maybe... he's elvis presley... or a woman... monroe?
Ok ima start to trust the idea that the whole OM its out of control or its working soo much(?)
I dont'know
You know
The last time i believed something the OM worked... but i started to believe more thing very fast lol
One day I made a fake ad on facebook about a young man who would go to the moon thanks to the inspiration of astronauts and after a lot of effort and dedication he ended up becoming one.
But in reality he was a porn actor.
After that half a dozen people actually believed he was an astronaut.
The young man was me.
>To the moomies - The Younger
I'll publish a book someday and tell my grandchildren about the lunar cheese I ate. And the dairy products I drank.
Obviously from moon cows.
I found cunny on the moon. They jump high like sonic in'a bad trip.
also i worked with johnny sins and sasha cox.
These ortodox ruszians and chinais have punny names lol
Replies: >>2675
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>>2634 (OP) 
>Another 23 out of nowhere!
This's da art mastery.
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I feel... weird

>Virus 23
>Memetic warfare
>Media virus
Social engineering with schizoid memetic self-psyops pro-fascism agenda
4chan archive is fucked up when you search discordianism and cult of kek
Replies: >>2675 >>2683 >>2685
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I need to wiggle myself deeper into OM, I would have so much fun spreading stuff like this. I'm tired of being out of the loop.

I will literally die of laughter if Trump turns out to be a Discordian

Do you finally see the fnords, too?
Replies: >>2676
destroying the root of evil.webp
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Maybe the DEEP STATE is a codeword for the Bavarian Illuminati!!!!!
who's this jerk.jpg
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There is great chaos under Olympus. Shit's awesome.
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Someone mindfucked their nobody and kek glowie cult lol
Replies: >>2684
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I read so much insane thing in /x/ that I don't know if it's incredible imagination, promiscuous intellectuality and culture, use of chatgpt or schizophrenia and weird cabals.
It's probably all that with glowies. Maybe.
This anon made a paracosm with /x/ and eris babble lore and chatgpt https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/20593799/#q20603989
This is... cool?
If you search in archive Narratia, more weird things appear. Sound like tulpa schizo or eris trolling lol
Replies: >>2687
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>Media virus 23
I guess the virus 23 is because it was something that discordianism influenced by the counterculture and cybernetics to be a trend among hackers.
>Although this image says that 23 it is for crowley and pagan ideas, I took it out of the archive.
Although today it is info wars and narratives that governments invade people mind and media with psyops of hackers trolls and bots. Social engineering and disinformation in short, control of political narratives.
That a politician or authority figure gives rise to these narratives can end badly. That's why twitter/x put that tab to report events or fake news.
Before it was for people to think and doubt as an act of creativity, today it is for them to think in one way or even to achieve justifiable violence.
Replies: >>2686
>Douglas Rushkoff
Don't believe him too much, he tends to exaggerate, lie or even make things up, maybe he is a guru in his niche.
>But still sound cool and OM pilled maybe? lol
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I can't decide if I like /x/ or the youtube videos about how schiz /x/ is
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