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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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In the spirit of Liberty and Justice, we, the Citizens of this great land, do hereby declare our intention to sever the bonds that have shackled us to tyranny and discord. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is not only our right but our duty to alter or abolish it. 

Let it be known that we have suffered under the weight of misrule and neglect from those who would govern without regard for the welfare of their constituents. We enumerate here the grievances that compel us to take this momentous step:
    • The persistent failure to address the needs of the people.
    • The corruption that has infiltrated our halls of governance.
    • The disregard for the voices of those who seek peace and unity.
    • The imposition of laws that serve only to divide rather than unite.
Therefore, in accordance with our divine right as free individuals, we proclaim ourselves independent from any authority that does not recognize our inherent dignity and worth. We assert our sovereignty as a collective body united in purpose and resolve. 
As we embark on this new chapter in our history, let it be known that we shall strive for a government that reflects the will of its people—a government dedicated to fostering peace, prosperity, and goodwill among all nations. In this spirit, we pledge ourselves to uphold these principles with unwavering commitment. 

We, the people of these United States, in order to form a more perfect union under the benevolent rule of His Imperial Majesty, Joshua Abraham Norton I, Emperor of the United States, Protector of Mexico, and Ruler from the Incorruptible Crown of Heaven, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the governance of our realm. This document shall serve as a testament to our commitment to liberty, equality, and fraternity among all citizens under the watchful eye of our beloved Emperor. 

Article I: The Imperial Authority
    1. Section 1: Title and Powers
        ◦ The title of this sovereign shall be “Emperor of the United States,” with full authority to govern and protect the interests of all citizens.
        ◦ The Emperor shall possess supreme executive power over all matters pertaining to national governance, foreign relations, and domestic tranquility.
    2. Section 2: Succession
        ◦ In the event of the Emperor’s demise or incapacitation, a council composed of representatives from each state shall convene to interpret the Will of Heaven to appoint a new Emperor or Empress.

Article II: Legislative Assembly
    1. Section 1: Composition
        ◦ There shall be an Imperial Legislative Assembly consisting of two houses: the House of Nobles and the House of Citizens.
        ◦ Members of both houses shall be elected by popular vote from their respective constituencies.
    2. Section 2: Powers
        ◦ The Legislative Assembly shall have the power to create laws, levy taxes, and regulate commerce within the Empire.
        ◦ All legislation must receive approval from His Imperial Majesty before becoming law.
    3. Section 3: Sessions
        ◦ The Legislative Assembly shall meet annually at a time designated by the Emperor to discuss matters affecting the Empire.

Article III: Judicial System
    1. Section 1: Supreme Court
        ◦ A Supreme Court shall be established to interpret laws and ensure justice is served in accordance with imperial decrees.
        ◦ Justices shall be appointed by the Emperor for life terms unless removed for misconduct.
    2. Section 2: Lower Courts
        ◦ Lower courts may be established at local levels as deemed necessary by state legislatures or imperial decree.
Article IV: Rights and Responsibilities
    1. Section 1: Civil Liberties
        ◦ All citizens are guaranteed freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and press under this Constitution.
        ◦ Discrimination based on race, gender, or creed is strictly prohibited.
    2. Section 2: Civic Duties
        ◦ Citizens are encouraged to participate in civic duties including voting in elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and serving on juries when called upon.
Article V: Amendments
    • This Constitution may be amended through a proposal by either house of the Legislative Assembly followed by ratification from two-thirds of state assemblies or through direct decree from His Imperial Majesty.
Article VI: Ratification
    • This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon ratification by three-fourths of state assemblies or upon proclamation by His Imperial Majesty.

Hearken, ye citizens of this great land, to the edicts proclaimed by your sovereign, Emperor Norton I, from Heaven. 
"In recognition of the inherent dignity and rights bestowed upon every individual, let it be known that these rights shall be preserved and protected for all time. Thus, I decree a new Bill of Rights that reflects not only the spirit of liberty but also the whimsical yet profound nature of our shared humanity.
Let it be declared that every citizen possesses an inalienable right to life and liberty. No person shall be deprived of their existence or freedom without due process of law. It is incumbent upon all rulers and subjects alike to ensure that justice prevails in all matters concerning human dignity.

Every citizen shall enjoy the unfettered right to express their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs without fear of persecution or censorship. This includes the right to assemble peacefully, to petition for grievances, and to engage in discourse on matters both trivial and profound.
In this age where knowledge flows like water through a riverbed, let it be known that each citizen has a right to privacy within their own abode. No unwarranted intrusion shall occur without just cause or consent; thus shall peace reign within one’s sanctuary.
All individuals accused of wrongdoing shall have the right to a fair trial conducted by impartial peers. Justice must not only be done but must also be seen to be done; therefore, transparency in legal proceedings is paramount.
No citizen shall endure cruel or unusual punishment under any circumstance. It is essential that compassion guide our actions towards one another; thus we must strive for rehabilitation rather than retribution.
Education is a fundamental right bestowed upon every citizen. It is imperative that access to knowledge be available regardless of social standing or wealth; thus shall we cultivate an enlightened populace capable of self-governance.
Every citizen has an undeniable right to participate in governance through voting and civic engagement. Let no voice go unheard nor vote uncounted; democracy thrives when all partake in its processes.
Discrimination based on race, creed, gender, or any other characteristic is hereby abolished. All citizens are equal before the law and deserve equal protection under its auspices.
Lastly, let it be recognized that every individual has the right to pursue happiness as they see fit—provided such pursuits do not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. In this pursuit lies our collective joy as a society united in diversity."

Thus concludes this proclamation from your humble Emperor Norton I—a testament not only to our rights but also a reminder that we are bound together by our shared humanity and aspirations for a brighter future.
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Article I:
We acknowledge and affirm that Joshua Abraham Norton I is our sovereign ruler in spirit and in jest. We recognize his unique position as a symbol of eccentricity, compassion, and visionary thought. In doing so, we pledge to uphold his ideals by embracing individuality and creativity in all aspects of life.
Article II:
    1. We shall celebrate chaos as a fundamental aspect of existence. In every decision made and every action taken, we will seek to find joy in unpredictability.
    2. We commit to honoring those who dare to be different. Just as Emperor Norton walked among us with dignity despite societal norms, we shall uplift those who challenge conventions.
    3. Following Norton’s example during times of strife, we vow to act with kindness towards all beings. We will intervene against injustice with compassion rather than aggression.
    4. We recognize that community thrives on diversity and acceptance. We will foster environments where all voices are heard and valued.
Article III:
In homage to Emperor Norton’s many proclamations, we declare:
    1. The Day of Nonsense: A day each year dedicated to acts of absurdity—wherein participants engage in playful activities that defy logic and reason.
    2. The Festival of Eccentrics: An annual gathering celebrating individuals who embody the spirit of nonconformity through art, performance, and expression.
    3. The Royal Decree for Peace: A commitment from all members to actively promote peace within their communities through dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect.
Article IV: 
We shall create a system wherein acts of kindness are rewarded with “Norton Notes,” symbolic tokens representing goodwill that can be exchanged for favors or services within our community—reminding us that generosity is its own currency.
Article V: 
We pledge to keep the memory and teachings of Emperor Norton alive through storytelling, art, literature, and public discourse. Each member shall contribute at least one piece annually that reflects his ideals or recounts tales from his life.

In signing this covenant, we embrace the spirit of Joshua Abraham Norton I—an emperor not just by title but by virtue of his heart’s desire for a better world filled with laughter, love, and liberty for all beings under the sun.

I pledge allegiance to Emperor Norton I,
the sovereign of our united land,
and to the ideals he champions—
one nation under peace, indivisible,
with justice and liberty for all. 
With gratitude for his reign of kindness,
In service to our fellow citizens,
I commit to uphold the values of harmony
and strive for the common good,
As we march together under his watchful gaze. 
May we remember his legacy in our hearts,
And strive to create a world where all belong,
For in honoring Emperor Norton’s dream,
We build a brighter future for generations to come.
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I think USAmericans are just too burned out over being ruled by corpses. Sorry, Emperor Norton I, Defender of Mexico. Maybe try again when you're alive.

My empire will be governed by the WTFPL.
Nah governments are fake and gay

We should Deify him instead

In the celestial dome where stars convene,
A figure stands, regal, yet unseen;
Emperor Norton, crowned with light divine,
Ruling the earth from Heaven’s grand design.

With an incorruptible crown upon his brow,
He gazes down on the world below;
A sovereign of dreams, a beacon of grace,
In every heart, he finds his place.

No gold nor silver can tarnish his reign,
For love and justice are his only gain;
The streets of San Francisco sing his name,
In whispers soft as a lover’s flame.

His edicts echo through the ether wide,
“Let peace be the law,” he calls with pride;
Uniting nations with a gentle hand,
A visionary who dared to understand.

Oh! How he walks on clouds of thought profound,
Where wisdom flows like rivers unbound;
Each citizen cherished under his gaze,
In harmony woven through life’s complex maze.

From Heaven’s throne where angels reside,
He watches over humanity’s tide;
An incorruptible crown that never fades—
In the hearts of many, his legacy wades.

So let us remember this emperor bold,
Whose story is timeless and never grows old;
For in every soul that seeks to be free,
Lives Emperor Norton—eternally.
Replies: >>2689
Deifying and martyring the dead is the obvious endpoint of person worship. Dead people can't later fuck up or become dementèd and undo all the hard work.
Kill your heroes and turn them into gods. (Or, if murder is illegal in your jurisdiction, pick a dead person like the Norton Dynasty)
What about Boss McAfee?
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