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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Instead of policy, we should be looking for activity-based solutions. Off-the-grid methodology. Nomadism.
If we didn't have the internet or postal services, how would we communicate?
How do we kickstart the apocalypse?
>the kid next door has nicer toys than I do, so let's break all the toys.
Replies: >>312 >>564 >>888
who has nicer toys?
Replies: >>313
Mike. He has rich parents. He's a bully
Would be nice if we could take some of the technology we have now, make it so it works independent of a larger grid, and just split humanity into countless micro-communities. Apocalypse would be an easy way to get that started, since we'd have less people to worry about and it would mean wiping the slate clean for a lot of infrastructure. 

Mostly, I just want to be left alone in a remote wilderness location, but I still want to be able to play video games.
You can do it without forcing everyone else to do it tho.
Replies: >>318 >>564
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Guys, it is really nice that you want to live in an environmentally sustainable way, feel free to do it, you have every right to. But! Please remember that I also have the right to keep polluting the waters, poisoning the air and destroying the forests, even if it contributes to your untimely death. I will let you know that I have no intentions to change my ways, in fact I will do everything in my power to hasten the inevitable climate doom, simply out of spite. Sorry but I am not sorry!
Replies: >>317
Lol that's their point tho. Everything will be better after climate catastrophe when everyone and their uncle is dead.

I'm sure they'd love starving when a cold year fucks up their crops if they even learn to farm.
>Mostly, I just want to be left alone
>but I still want to be able to play video games

This is me exactly as well. I would be fine off to myself in a small living space where I have privacy and everything else I need either through a physical copy or stored on digital formats. I don't need the internet, I just need enough files through video games, music, and entertainment, etc to get me by for the rest of my life which I honestly already have through my external HDDs.

How is a realistic way for someone to reach this lifestyle without already engaging society or having tons of money beforehand?
Replies: >>319
Just don't leave your house, order food from the interwebs. Is less bothersome to learn to program and do internet nomadism for money than actually make your own food.
Replies: >>320
My area doesn't have a delivery system like that in place yet. But I could arrange something with someone for the right price. Which would be tax-free for them so I don't see why they wouldn't be interested in such an engagement. Problem is I have no source of income right now. I know it's a person to person basis on how long they take to learn something. But if I were to at least dedicate a small portion of my day, let's say 4 hours to learning code on average should I at least be able to find some online work in 6-8 months?
Replies: >>322
You realize your utopia is just basement dwelling? If you don't have mom to leech on, you can always try to get adopted.
Replies: >>327
utopias are gay
dystopia here we come!
Replies: >>324
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You should be pleased to hear that what we live in is already a dystopia.
Replies: >>325
nah, i wish
Replies: >>326
Try moving to third world country to hasten your personal doom. It's actually very easy to make things worse for yourself, if you wish.
Replies: >>328
How do I get adopted in my 30s?
Replies: >>329
nah I'm gonna go homeless in europe
Get involved with diaper fetish folk.
Replies: >>330
Fuck, I really don't want to piss and shit myself on a daily basis. I don't mind mixing in with people obsessed with farts though. I'd love a woman to rim me while I fart in her mouth. Gentle femdom is what I crave.
Replies: >>550
That's what you call femdom? I'm not sure the fems would agree.
Replies: >>551
It's literally the opposite of femdom now that I think about it, which I really REALLY don't want to. But you've got the image stuck in my brain now like a fucking thought-worm.
Build online communities from direct and private contacts like email & chat. Incorporate whatever technologies and cryptocurrencies you want as the community grows. This way you can build an invisible network that hides in plain site but still take full advantage of the economies of scale that go with the regular Internet.
Literally, yes. Nothing wrong with that.

>Mostly, I just want to be left alone in a remote wilderness location, but I still want to be able to play video games.

>You can do it without forcing everyone else to do it tho.
And let them run free to ruin my lifestyle choice, sooner or later? Never. Either everyone agrees with me, or the world must burn to ashes.
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>we should be looking for activity-based solutions
I don't know about you and everyone else but it was quite clear from the start that was the only way.
The apocalypse would be great if there were no chink hegemon or nuclear warheads.
Replies: >>603
But my passivity based solutions are working good. I'm just manning my sofa and the society keeps collapsing.
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One does not simply Immanentize the Eschaton.

Vote Biden 
Vote Hitler

Who would you vote for?
Replies: >>642 >>643
Adolf Hitler, because he isn't an American citizen and is therefore currently ineligible to hold office. Edmund Biden isn't alive either but he wouldn't be the first deceased elected American official.
woah woah woah am i being forced to vote?
what is this, straya?
Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 9.59.58 PM.png
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Looks like Trump might win if he doesn't let them steal the election.

Replies: >>645 >>646
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Why do people even have to go to vote if it is all decided by which candidate can steal more votes?
Replies: >>647 >>648
The same reason I go to the horse races to watch whichever horse can take the most steroids.
Theft is a professional sport and an artform and I won't hear a word against it.
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My last political post for a while: https://archive.vn/cyYZ3
Replies: >>651 >>653
Good. No-one here gives a fuck.
Hail the Eristocracy, boycott all substitutes.
Replies: >>655 >>661
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lol why would you just dump something like that out of context. Do you start to trembe if you don't post propaganda for a week?
Replies: >>655
Cool, and what is that?
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Here have some more propaganda
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Post all you want, you've already lost.
This guy is a fucking loser, he cheated the election and still fucking lost. Any competent politician from Eastern Europe would have won by a landside by now, even if nobody actually voted for them.
Replies: >>660
literally 128k absentee votes for biden got found in pennsylvania.
not one for anyone else.
how does that happen
Replies: >>664
this tbh
Replies: >>662 >>663
Glory to Eristotzka!
And to all its Popes, even the ones I hate!
Hail Epistokratia!
It happens by telling your supporters not to vote by mail because it's unreliable thanks to your actions.
Replies: >>665
just because it might be less likely for trump voters to use mail-in ballots does not mean that they wont, and there's no way in hell that not a single one of those 128000 ballots was for him.
they were found at 5am
when they would stop counting for the night at 1am.
it just makes no sense. it's fraud.
128000 newly found votes for the same candidate.
on an easily printable piece of paper
in a state full of white conservative christians.
it's just fucking impossible mate.
consider that PA also has the highest amount of amish population, and that most of them would probably use mail-in ballots too.
Replies: >>666 >>671
Nobody cares, both sides tried their worst to cheat the victory to themselves. Biden won so they cheated better fair and square. Don't be such a partisan grayface.
Replies: >>667
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it's because democrat voters are more violent upon losing than republican voters, that i prefer a republican win.
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Calm down guys, all the fraud was stopped, here are the actual results.
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I'd been wanting to make an image like this, but couldn't find the template.
Replies: >>673
That incident was officially discussed ages ago.
You are right, it is almost impossible. And it didn't happen. And no results currently claim it did.
Shiawassee, Michigan, reported Biden as 153,710 instead of 15,371 due to a typo (0 on end) then they soon corrected it. This resulted in a net change of 138,339 for Biden, with no change for Trump. If someone were faking results, they wouldn't just give one candidate 138k and the other nothing.
You can prove that they weren't counted yourself! Go to a map that shows results by country and view the county that reported the error (about two north west of Detroit) and notice Biden only has 15,371 while Trump has 23,154.

Go complain about your election over at one of the hundreds of politics sites that cares. Those threads are more fun and tell you what you want to hear.
Man, she's just disappointed that the results are so boring. If only more people voted Kanye.
270ToWin has a tool where you can make your own prediction maps, I think they use that then edit it.
Replies: >>676
That settles it then.
not to be totally off-topic to the thread or anything but i highly doubt the eristocracy would be such a mess.
electors? pffffft, not for eris.
Replies: >>677
It would be a lot bigger mess.
Replies: >>678
But the kind of mess that makes a place look lived in
Replies: >>679
take a seat wherever.png
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Replies: >>680
One of my childhood friends was in a hoarder house. Usable but hoardy, there were pathways cut through for getting to most places, and at least it wasn't food packets or anything that rots easily, it was more random stuff they'd buy off ebay until it filled the floor in most of the rooms.
Which apocalypse? The one where rich and powerful factions escalate their growing conflict into a new world war with nukes? The one where dysgenic demographic decline collapses western civilization by making its people too stupid to maintain it? Or the one where mass consumerism and welfare statism combine with a lack of any responsibility for the sidee effects of consumption to destroy our ecosystem and end life on earth as we know it? Be more specific.
Replies: >>729 >>732
all of the above
Replies: >>731
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idk they both look pretty chubby, it's hard to say.
and mix them up in a big bucket
None of those wouldnt even wipe humanity off. You'd need like death robots or superplague or a giant fucking rock.
>the biggest threat to humanity is a giant fucking rock
what the fuck man
this game sucks
Replies: >>734 >>736
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Replies: >>735
Dude fucking tag Gore if thats what youre posting.
Replies: >>754
Humans act so all important like they can only off themselves with "bad choices" or whatever. Bitch universe is a deathtrap, I've seen Kardashev II civs wiped out by particulary nasty supernovas happening way outside their range.
Replies: >>737 >>864
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>Bitch universe is a deathtrap
true dat
>civs wiped out by particularly nasty supernovas happening way outside their range
tfw kardashev IIIs be like… a public notice was posted. you had ample time to have submitted the proper paperwork.
Replies: >>738
Fnord Perfect
Humans will be debating the best form of government one day like they've been doing for the last 2500 years when a freak wormhole rips the suns core apart and obliterates the earth with relativistic plasma jets before anyone can even notice it happening.
Replies: >>872
>Humans will be debating the best form of government one day like they've been doing for the last 2500 years when a freak wormhole rips the suns core apart and obliterates the earth with relativistic plasma jets before anyone can even notice it happening.
I like that thought, that's a good way to die ;)
Replies: >>875
who said anything about dying?
Replies: >>876
>who said anything about dying?
I did
Replies: >>877
There's no way to verify that.
I'm just tired of having to have niggers, sandniggers, feminists, communists decide on policy out of a sense to cater to victims because of some guilt complex to please the Jew. It's goddamn tiresome. The White Race can not carry every niggers burden.
Replies: >>889 >>892 >>895
You roleplaying an idiot for the trips right?
Replies: >>890 >>901
You're role-playing a nigger for the lolz right
Replies: >>891
Shit map.jpg
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*cracks knuckles*

Can you show me on this map where the minority touched your beloved government?
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blatant Hibernian redirection.
Remove mick. Potato famine never happened.
Replies: >>893 >>894
(hi-res version for even more bigger edjumickation https://0x0.st/-Twf.jpg )
Stop blaming Irish for everything, they just doing what they must to get you wankers out of Northern Ireland.
nothin personel.jpeg
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>implying the Jew isn't carrying the White burden
Replies: >>896
>nazis would have never manufactured a nuclear bomb since they discarded relativity as "jewish science"
>hitler wanted to put all the money into building a unnecessarily big tank instead
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Advocating for one group of humans is another when corvids have us all beat. Crows are clearly superior in every way — have the ability to fly that humans pine after, still understand trade yet haven't invented oppressive government systems, we even have a tribe named after us!
Replies: >>899
Corvids may be smart but have you ever seen how fucking cute snails are? they look so soft and goofy and still crows and french go around eating them. We should give free food for crows and french so they don't eat the snails.
Replies: >>900 >>902
They both like bread, right?
i'm a slut for digits
We shall clearly have to foster snail <-> corvid relationships to defeat the french. Thank you, traveler!
the only viable option without "policy" is self sufficency. 
if your solution requires more than just you then some policy will be needed. 
I mean 
we aren't even talking about trying to calibrte your internal moral compass. 
So to say that we need activity based solutions without any sort of policy means we should probably just go jump off of a cliff with all the other lemmings.
theres atleast one world power that publishes manuals on this type of thing. 
look up intelligence gathering, and CIA covert ops manuals. 
Also Hobo codes and more recently those "scp codes" that everybody spanks their ass to. 

I say we all get naked and activly try to start public orgies.
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