/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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can it be stopped? was it meant to be stopped? I can only think of hailing eris!
corona-chan big.jpg
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Why contain it?
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You are asking the obvious, Brother.

Doesn't matter if it gets stopped or not: It has already spread enough terror to justify harsher laws, and now is as good age to die as any. 

Take a road less travelled and join me in praising Saint Corona!
Replies: >>348
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Corona truly is worth of Sainthood.
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I knew the moment I got a girlfriend that it really was the end of the world. The wu flu confirms it.
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When you gonna give to me, give to me?
Is it just a matter of time, Carona?
Is it just destiny, destiny
Or is it just a game in my mind, Carona?

Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up for the touch of the infectious kind
My, my, my, I, Wuhan!
M-m-m-my my my, I, Wuhan!
M-m-m-my Carona
M-m-m-my Carona
M-m-m-my Carona
M-m-m-my Carona
Replies: >>412
You're just rehashing ebola-chan.

The pope may have corona
If this isnt a sign idk what is
Replies: >>354
At least the Catholic church kinda sorta has two popes at the moment. Thankfully, us Discordians have an even more robust contingency plan for times like these. ;^)
Replies: >>355
we'll have to appoint a lot of popes forthwith
world ends tomorrow apparently.
5th of march
i like fives
Replies: >>363
? dont get me all excited like that

pls elucidate <3
Replies: >>364 >>365
Yea the false quantum vacuum is gonna pop in about half of the realities. You are not going to notice shit, but it's a terrible tragedy and loads of paperwork for reptilians.
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Replies: >>367 >>369
it's 6:11 pm my time. shit's late.
Replies: >>368
yeah i think it's a nothingburger
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TFW the world ended again.
there was a major event / rip / ripple / tip / triple double bubble trouble pop^POP in the 'continuum'/'layers' over the past ~90 days

all things are connected, just not in a linear cause/effect manner. "We built this prison ourselves; time and space are the bindings" (VALIS). coronavirus? black cubes? SIRI? Alexa? corona, sun worship, monsters inc, mass media machine, fear generation, monsters inc, what could be replaced by laughter/love? what control systems rely on fear and 'order'?

what is a 'multiplicative love call'? what is the 'human spirit'? what is free will? where does it come from?

so many more are awakening; evidence is all over the internet

just for fun:
2020 / 5 = 404 {year not found}
we are now in the 3rd month of 2020
the 0s are as important as the 1s are is important as the 0s
but where do the other numbers come from?

juicier .bits.

0100 If there is a divine infinite creator presiding over all of reality, why would they allow the forces of darkness/deception/disillusionment to negatively impact so many sentient beings' wills in a 'negative' fashion? If you believe in an omniscient omnipresent all-powerful creator, how could you believe in an oppressive negative force which challenges that all-powerful creator? Are you sure all the negativity and darkness is 'powerful', or could it just be teaching a 'powerful' lesson?

0101 What is the meaning of BALANCE? Duality, entropy, chaos, death, fear, decay, evil? Are you sure that evil is bad? Are you sure that's air you're breathing? Are you sure about anything? What is the meaning of yin & yang? Right-hand path and left-hand path? White/black/empty/full ankhs in Egyptian symbolism? One hand washes the other? Why were OSIRIS and SET revered alongside peaceful deities if they are lords of war/chaos/fear/the underworld? Alan Watts: “When you find out that there was never anything in the dark side to be afraid of … Nothing is left but to love.”
0110 Why are we on earth (or in a simulation) at all if the forces of good/organic/sentience/love/whatever you call the supreme force will always win? What is the point of GAMES? What about TEACHINGS? Would any sentient beings ever learn anything if the forces of good stomped out the forces of evil and we all lived in perfect harmony? What are you truly afraid of - objective evils you have witnessed firsthand or your own mental constructions/interpretations of external phenomena?

0111 Who was ZOROASTER? What did he teach? What does his name mean? What does 'dust to dust' mean when referring to conscious life? Our bodies decay into mush, not dust. What about our spirits? Where did life originally come from? What is the ninth hidden gate? Why is our number system base-10? Which came first: data, symbols, or humans? Are you sure about that? What are deepfakes? What is CGI? Created entirely by 0s and 1s… What is the significance of the number 9? What does the symbol ϑ in between the two parts of Zoroaster's name mean? 

1000 Where are we right now, discovering our own ways back to enlightenment and out of the darkness? What is the INTERNET? Where is it physically located? What are we all building for and searching for together? What is 'advanced karma burning'? Where else could messages be hidden or carried on from other places? What is CGI? What are video games? What is the singularity? Where do we play, learn, and teach one another? Whom is ALGALON the astral walker? What is the A∴A∴? Where do we draw our inspiration from? Each other? Books? Information? Interpreting information? What is the meaning of LIVING INFORMATION? Light networks? Phillip K Dick, VALIS: "Living information…replicates itself not through information or in information, but AS information." Where are you right now, and where is your mind? Fully contained in your head? Are you sure about that? What is the internet? Where is SHAMBHALA?
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P.S.S.S What is MEME MAGICK? How hard could it be for an individual to bend or break 'reality' around them if we are all sacred infinite vessels of infinite consciousness and 'reality' is bound/ruled/consists of deceptions/illusions/fear control systems? You are all wonderful beautiful humans. Are you sure the '`evil`' "government"/'"`cabal`'" are the only ones using advanced thaumaturgy over the wires? ;)

farther reading:


23. white light. much love to you all. we are all co-creating reality through consciousness, free will, and thought. ignore what has been fed to you and follow what you love, what intrigues you, what resonates with you, and what makes you laugh. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself". The illusion is unraveling. love all equally. hail Eris <3

feel free to ignore these ramblings. eye'll show myself out
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What about a Winonavirus and it turns women into cute jewish actresses
Replies: >>558
>tfw having yellow fever can kill you now
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Replies: >>377 >>379
super interesting.

>despite phylogenetic evidence that SARS-CoV evolved from bat SL-CoVs, all previously identified SL-CoVs have major sequence differences from SARS-CoV in the RBD of their S proteins, including one or two deletions6,9. Replacing the RBD of one SL-CoV S protein with SARS-CoV S conferred the ability to use human ACE2 and replicate efficiently in mice9,13. However, to date, no SL-CoVs have been isolated from bats, and no wild-type SL-CoV of bat origin has been shown to use ACE2.

So essentially this biowarfare engineering project has been going on since at least 2002?
It's manmade

Habbenings are habbening
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>Never gonna stop, give it up, 
Never gonna let you dooooown!
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wrong thread and wrong website you propagandist Qfag
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someone on a facebook group found this image of Bill Gates and George Soros on their cousins phone and now they have autism and are liberal. the world is in danger.
Abigail Shapir0.jpg
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Abigail Shapiro.jpg
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Ahh, I miss the resident schizofag. I wonder what happened to him…

Replies: >>575
Why you post khazar mimkers, here?
Replies: >>576

because talmud tiddies was directly relevant to aforelinked post
equal question, why you into looking at last months post?
Replies: >>577
Khazar mimkers called unto me.
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Is this all a coincidence?

Replies: >>579 >>581
>open your eyes
Lol I don't use text to speech.
> muh Khazars
Did /pol/ finally find a way to admit their love of Jews without actually admitting it?
Saturn can absolutely float in a bathtub, how else could it stay afloat up in the sky? If it weighed the same as a duck it would fall down to Earth.
Heliocentrism is just a plot by (((scientists))) to sell ""global"" travel tours. The sun is 25% helium, that's why it floats in the sky. The Earth is rock so it would fall into the sun. I sent a letter to Galileo last year and he still hasn't responded.
Finland doesn't exist. Wake up.
ahah yes finland very real i believe finland exists ye s definitel y
Replies: >>783
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Finland doesn't exist.

Replies: >>783
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