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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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While for most people the novel coronavirus is harmless or has mild symptoms only, almost the whole global economy was shut down to protect the most vulnerable. This shows that it is possible to take health seriously, but it also highlights the many other dangers to our health that could be easily avoided, yet the rulers of our societies have chosen not to. It is time for this to change, and to protect our health the following policies are proposed. We are certain that many more will follow.

→ Second-hand smoking is known to be harmful. To avoid it, smokers from now on shall wear a sealed full-face helmet while smoking, to disallow the poisonous fumes from escaping and to allow the smokers to take full responsibility for their actions.
→ Air pollution is linked to an endless list of negative health effects, from respiratory problems to cognitive impairment. Automobiles from now on must be designed to have an air-tight cabin and the exhaust pipe shall lead directly to this very cabin. In the long term, this is expected to also improve noise-pollution.
→ Austerity and underfunding health-care has been demonstrated to have a major negative effect on life expectancy. To avoid this, a lifespan-credit is introduced among politicians. When a politician first enters office, their life expectancy is noted in a database as their lifespan-credit. This is never reset. However, before voting on any law, that law's effect on life expectancy is estimated, and after voting, the amount is reduced from those politicians who voted to approve it. For example, if reducing the funding of healthcare is projected to reduce the life-expectancy of the poorest 5 million by 5 years, every approving politician's lifespan-credit is reduced by 25 million years. There is no way to increase the amount of lifespan-credit or to transfer it among politicians. However, once a politician runs out of their credits, they are summary executed.
Replies: >>449 >>450

>There is no way to increase the amount of lifespan-credit or to transfer it among politicians.
What about voting for policies that aim to increase public life expectancy?

Additional stretch propositions,
→ The definition of 'food' is re-evaluated by the FDA. Many former 'foods' such as marshmallow whip and fried strawberry pancake wrapped plastic frankfurters are reclassified as drugs and cannot be sold over-the-counter at supermarkets or stores. Many require prescriptions designating they are healthy enough to enjoy these so-called foods in moderation without risk of abuse.
→ CIA-backed terrorist attacks on international live animal markets.
→ Humans over a certain weight limit legally classified as cattle.
Replies: >>451
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>smokers from now on shall wear a sealed full-face helmet while smoking…
What you describe here is a great improvement over the current prototypes, which fall far short of your stated goal and leave much to be desired (see attached video).
>to protect our health the following policies are proposed. We are certain that many more will follow.
My working group offers the following proposal for your consideration. We should consider the fact that flatulence is a known source of greenhouse gas emissions and that greenhouse gasses have been known to kill at an even higher rate then fried strawberry pancake wrapped plastic frankfurters dressed with marshmallow whip. Therefor, the world's population should be fitted with micro gas turbines that fit comfortably in the persons anus. The micro anal gas turbines will then feed a compact generator and battery storage system that will be mounted on the flatuators back. The resulting electricity can then be used to power a mobile 5G cell nest that will be worn atop the flatuators head. For those who choose to opt-out or are unable to wear this bio-radiant-ass-plant, or BRAP, due to pre-existing conditions such as back or neck pain, a cap and trade initiative can be implemented. These flatuators can trade flatulence credits on an electronic exchange with breatharians or those who choose to subsist on an intravenous diet. A 110% tax levied upon these free-liquid-ass-traded-universal-securities, or FLATUS, can then be appropriated to subsidize the manufacture of the aforementioned smokers helmets or the retro-fitting of older model automobiles which are not yet equipped with air-tight exhaust containment cabins.
Replies: >>450 >>450 >>451
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It is good to see marked improvements over the previous smoke-isolation paraphernalia prototypes (see figure 1). However, I wonder if a more practical solution to second-hand drug influence would be the adaptation of surplus military gas masks. This has already seen use in reducing the effects of alcohol fumes on designated drivers (see figure 2).

I am highly impressed by your working group's proposition! In fact the 5G cell nest could potentially act as a Free Access Radio Transmissions network perfect for communications after natural disasters or in low-income areas.
Replies: >>452
Despite the efforts of the AmeriKKKan military-entertainment-fastfood complex, countries other than the USA still do exist.

This is rejected as it would directly impact my life in a negative way.
>the 5G cell nest could potentially act as a Free Access Radio Transmissions network perfect for communications after natural disasters or in low-income areas.
Perhaps we should consider the implementation of secure and anonymous FART networks for authorized use by clandestine health care professionals? An onion FART could be easily forked from existing projects, but perhaps mustering the necessary resources to fast track the development of next generation garlic FARTs would provide better cover for even more sensitive operations, such as the proposed CIA-backed terrorist attacks on international live animal markets.
Replies: >>489
Yes, I feel that clustered garlic FARTs would prove invaluable in undercover operations. My colleagues have tried to discover existing research into existing garlic routing protocols relating to proposed Free Access Radio Transmission infrastructure, but searches for garlic FARTs has so far returned no notable resources.
>To avoid this, a lifespan-credit is introduced among politicians. When a politician first enters office, their life expectancy is noted in a database as their lifespan-credit. This is never reset. However, before voting on any law, that law's effect on life expectancy is estimated, and after voting, the amount is reduced from those politicians who voted to approve it. For example, if reducing the funding of healthcare is projected to reduce the life-expectancy of the poorest 5 million by 5 years, every approving politician's lifespan-credit is reduced by 25 million years. There is no way to increase the amount of lifespan-credit or to transfer it among politicians. However, once a politician runs out of their credits, they are summary executed.

Retarded idea, that gives whoever makes this projections unlimited power. If you were willing to entrust anyone to make these projections, you might as well make them dictator.
Replies: >>516
We should make garlic FARTs instead.
Replies: >>518
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garlic FARTs are vaporware
Replies: >>590
What is the name of this song?
Replies: >>520 >>521
Rick Astley-Never Gonna Click That Link
Nevermind, found it, it was "Break My Stride".
The Shrek revolution renewed interest in 'onion' FARTs, for better or worse. Might have just been a fad though.
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Absolutely. One of my 7 patron deities.
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