I apologize for the delayed response. Commies got hold of the only internet device on the island, and I needed to forge a letter from their grandmas which told them to come home to eat and have a feet massage.
Everything they told here is total lies. Even if they had $0.50 USD more they wouldn't spare it for anything and alcohol. Besides, working with me is working on the side of Absolute Good against Absolute Evil. They cannot have me outnumbered, I got a whole army of Gods angels on my side. They are invisible and useless, but I'll assure you, there is many.
Regarding the character assassination plot, I might have accidentally made your job a bit hard. Through my years of being in power I've alleviated boredom in countless morally questionable ways. After convincing the people that dropping monkeys from a hot air balloon was actually pest control, they seem to have been fine with even the weirdest quirks of my character. Maybe I've finally shot everyone who doesn't like me. Except for those damn commies. My doctor said, having more people shot would raise my blood pressure dangerously high.
As for the fossil fuels and mining, you are free to have them if you hold your end of the bargain. It's not like a feudal society has use for any of that. People are my fuel and cars and little metal bottle openers.
I have to go now, I just got a letter from my granny asking me to come over and watch old VHS tapes of people drowning in piss. I'll be in touch