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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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People who disappeared for criticizing the state
Replies: >>506
literally who
what state
Replies: >>504
Ok I lied, most of them didn't even criticize the state.
In fact, there wasn't even any states back then, to tell you the truth.
Replies: >>505
In this picture there are 47 people who criticized the state.
All of them have disappeared.
In this thread I hope to show you ways of not being seen, the most basic of these being a simple 'vanish' magic trick.
If we are lucky, we may even witness the OP of this thread disappearing. What a treat!
Replies: >>507
>In this picture there are 47 people who criticized the state.
>All of them have disappeared.
They are hiding in the house on the right. Well, not hiding. Hungry. They went to eat haggus.
Even this thread had people who were disappeareded.
Sir John Smith was deleted from all historical and dental records for his "crimes" against the states (all states).
Eris was disappeared from the religious texts of Abrahamic religions because she criticized the writing style, since all the heroes were 'overpowered'.
>that sounds like a joke
Read them, Eris isn't mentioned at all. This is proof she was removed from them.
Replies: >>535
How can we tell the world of this injustice?
Replies: >>536
we shouldn't attempt to! what if we disappear too?
Replies: >>537
Well then we should make the most of it! Take out loans and commit tax fraud first.
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