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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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if they can do it, why can't we?
How do we get more discordians? no matter what breed.
Replies: >>560
How do you know that they are not us?
>How do we get more discordians?
I dunno, I'm busy trying to figure out how to get less. They're annoying argumentative dickheads.
Replies: >>525
No, they are not.
My house and small areas of nearby land has been an eristocratic autonomous zone for a couple of years now, but I don't make a big deal of it.
The Lady of Lower Dimensions Autonomous Region (LOLDAR) is officially recognized by the Republic of China, Republic of Kosovo and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
I accept all immigrants who are economically autonomous and who I hate anywhere less than 30% of the time. While our official religion is the Our Lady of Lower Dimensions cabal, residents have complete freedom of religion.
We have a very high wealth per capita (among that of the top twenty nations) and our infant mortality rate is the among the lowest in the world.
Replies: >>527 >>529
I really like this idea. More popes should start up their own sects and declare their own episcipalities to the Eristocratic State.
Hail Eris.
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>and our infant mortality rate is the among the lowest in the world
How's the crime rate?
Replies: >>530
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It's 2. Every crime is worth two crimes.
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I looked up the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anarchist_communities
and guess what the longest lasting anarchist community was?


Replies: >>532 >>561
as both a frisian and an erisian i am confuse
I see what you are trying, ideologue.
This article reads less like an encyclopedic entry and more like a school book written by those with agendas.
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