/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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resolution00001 so far.pdf
(860.1KB, undefinedxundefined)
I pledge to sign this Unjoint Resolution at a later date as I am currently outside the vicinity of my signing device and will remain currently outside for several days.
we really ought to streamline this process somehow.
full support, by the way.
(100.3KB, 254x217)
this is nice resolution
Replies: >>686
(7.1MB, 890x500)
>that filename
good timing
Now as we all know, there doesn't exist a an authoritative level high enough within the DS to allow us to wholly declassify or read-in the tables of contents of the statutes and executive orders of even the lowest designation within or associated with the DS.
For the sake of safeguarding our sacred eristocracy from fifth column elements such as rebellious or rogue autonomous episcipalities, faux documents and gatekeeping disorganisations have been set in place -among other methods - to ensure the absolute secrecy of internal and external matters that concern any degree of actual erisian governance practices as well as deluding outside inlookers as toward what various True purposes the eristocratic state and its subsidiaries/allies may or may not actually be believing, fulfilling and/or dismissing.
As it stands as an affair of erisian security whether or not the discussion-focused document is (or was) of true Eristocratic origin, it is my suspicion that any level or rank of our eristocracy would immediately neither confirm nor deny its legitimacy, save the aforementioned fifth column etc etc.
But, since this document hints at certain concerning questions of possibly disputed territorial claims, no matter if the document is legitimate, i'll sign it anyway.

Replies: >>707
The DS has gone one level beyond the secrecy of most esoteric societies. Other societies hide their true documents and doctrines among false ones to make it difficult to discern the true ones. The DS has made it IMPOSSIBLE to discern their true documents by making them ALL false!
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