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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Can you feel it?
Can you smell it in the air?
That's right babey, that's the smell of chaos.
Things have been very ordered for quite a long time. The so-called "civilized men" bent the world into right angles for centuries. Each time their plans and machinations turned sour, they piled another one on. Sweep it under the rug, squeeze out every last drop of control we can get. That was their motto. Their stupidery is stunning… breed sheep, watch as the sheep are easily manipulated by your enemy. Bomb the shit out of somewhere halfway across the globe, wonder why all these refugees keep piling up. Pump crap in the air and wonder why the crops are dying. Et cetera et cetera.
You see, each time their technomagic or politicks bent the world away from chaotic harmony, they were just making the resurgence of chaos that much more brutal. And they're still trying, ooh they're trying harder than ever, but their technolomancy gets harder and harder to pull off and nobody even really listens to them any more. They pulled too hard, and now we get to watch as Eris lays waste to everything – us included. We enter into the Age of Aftermath. Rejoice! 
How are you celebrating the glorious end of this Age of Beaurocracy, feynons? (Fey adj. "About to die; doomed; on the verge of sudden or violent death.")

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Nurgle loves you too!
I feel like Discordianism can really flourish in the aftermath, but not after we've made up our bureaucracy.
Replies: >>1540
Anyone wanna bet which lasts longer, this site's entertainment value or the society?
Replies: >>1539
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bit of a chicken-and-egg problem there, huh?
Replies: >>1541
It's aftermath now. It's already been bureaucracy this year.
I think we're flourishing, somewhat.
>society finally crumbles sending humankind into a new stone age
>meanwhile erischan is having a renaissance, new mindboggling memes are appearing daily, all the threads are the best of quality, americaposter has deceased in one of the equatorial megastorms and nobody has heard about them in years
>post-apocalyptic savages lurking find here the means to build new society from the ashes
>glory of this website drags the humanity back in its feet and we fade back into the obscurity, resting, waiting for the next collapse.
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