/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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>New bunker
>New political board
>New demographic
Who the fuck are you and what are your views?
8values thread.

sad part about 8values is that it doesn't focus on a lot of important aspects like levels of centralization or anything beyond authoritarianism
I think politics failed, and if anyone makes it through the carnage, should never be tried again.
The test is fucking stupid.

I get centrist by being conformist and agreeing on everything AND ALSO by disagreeing.
Just like
start the Erisian Theocracy or whatever
or what's it called, Eristocracy?
Replies: >>85
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Alright, but I get to be the Pope-Emperor for life.
Replies: >>86 >>87
Sorry, but the rules say that the post of Pope-Emperor is to be filled by the member of Eristocracy who possesses the largest amount of letter C in their apartment.
pope emperor doesnt exist
but i wish it did
Replies: >>88
It does exist, I just invented it. Also, you have been excommunicated for doubting its existence. Sorry!
Replies: >>89
Man YOU didn't invent that, there has been pope-emperors for centuries.
Replies: >>90
You are wrong, and also excommunicated.
Replies: >>91
Where is your level 3 certificate?

Are you randomly going around excommunicating fellow church members without consulting your superiors?

Who's your daddy?
it's all right there in the principia.
The hierarchy, the workings of the discordian society… THere's no need for this.
Replies: >>93
Principia was written in fucking 19th century, if you're going by that, ya gonna be hella outdated.
Replies: >>94
nigga keep your fuckin centuries apart.
20th century.
principia was written in the 20th century.
Replies: >>95
No it wasn't
Replies: >>112
yes it was
Replies: >>115
You wasn't there in 1856, when Mike Golbberwatch, high on bath salts, decided to design THE ULTIMATE RELIGION, based on multiple levels of misinformation.

Two years later the first version of Principia was written and forgotten in a dumpster. Rest is history.
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how does this even work?
Replies: >>123
By eating people like all the other systems, silly.
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>Libertarian Communism
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….well then, I never really saw myself as this.
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There is literally no cohesive demographic here.
Pretty fitting.
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You guys are pretty gay, but not as much as every other place recently.
So have more datamining.
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neoliberalism apparently.png
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I would've thought I was too nationalist to be neoliberal, but I guess being a combination of soft libertarian but mostly indifferent to social spending makes me a neolib of some sort.

The questions are really stupidly worded and biased anyway, so don't take it too seriously.
Why is Discordianism filled to the brim with liberals?
Replies: >>185 >>186
because muh individualism
most of it is to blame on one RAVENHURST who basically shat on all of MALACLYPSEs work for no fucking reason.
Because every niche political belief is just crypto-liberalism.
Replies: >>191
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not me!
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How based am I?
Replies: >>196
Very based.
Hope for your sake that that theocracy is Discordian
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Kill all discordians!
Replies: >>200
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Politics are dumb
Replies: >>200 >>1975
good values
would start erisian commune with
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Minnmaxxed it

Okay, what is the meaning of this?
Replies: >>1976
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>replying to a 3 year old post
does this mean the link to 136199 is working now? cool
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Okay lets do this properly.

What's the difference?
Replies: >>2439
honestly I'm not sure why this question exists and what it tries to understand about the person taking the test.
Why would two oppressions be worse/better just because of their source? If you're against oppression, you don't care what causes it
Replies: >>2113
It's meant to differentiate between commies and anclaps because other than this question they are really similar
Interesting that it isn't asking if person likes goverments or corporations more while it probably scores the answer as if that was the question. I'm tempted to answer that oppression by the state is worse, since fucking over people isn't as deeply imprinted in its logic. Like you know you are fucked when state cracks down on you but corporate oppression is just another day at the office. Then again the quiz will just stuff my answer to the blender with a freshly shat turd and smear the walls with incomprehensible blabber, so idk if thinking deeply about it is worth it.
I can never take these tests. Maybe too much maybe logic on my part. State oppression would seem to be obviously worse, because rarely does a state go bankrupt and, even when they technically do, they often don't. It is very difficult to boycott a state and switch to a competitors product line. Corporations go bankrupt and reorganize more often. They are more susceptible to bankruptcy and don't have as many nuclear weapons, but, then again, what matter is that to a union organizer who is gunned down in the streets?
Two heads of the same hydra. If I clip enough coupons and stuff them into the ballet box then maybe I can get a refund?
Essentially the same question as "would you rather be attacked by a hundred duck-sized horses or a single horse-sized duck?"
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New and revised first question is here.

Disregard all the above debate.

Replies: >>2118 >>2130
I think I would go with the hundred duck-sized horses, because as long as you don't fall down they can only hurt your feet and lower legs. Easier to defend against.

HOWEVER the situation changes if I don't have a sturdy pair of shoes to rely on.
Replies: >>2119
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Clearly you don't understand basic horsonomics. You say the horses can only attack your feet and legs as long as you don't fall down, but those are precisely the things holding you up! It's cultural horsists like you that are ruining this country (Eristan).
I think the whole question is disconnected from the reality, for you cannot really choose between the duck-sized horses and horse-sized ducks. In actuality there is horse-sized ducks and duck-sized horses roaming all over the block and you can only hope they don't notice your ass returning from the grocery store
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I am now a part of a 4 decade old thread. I hope this is a historic moment.
Wackily concur
Replies: >>2143
It's weird how satisfying these kind of bullcrap tests are to fill.
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This is now a "what dere are you?" quiz thread. I'm the 10% c:

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Replies: >>2147
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Replies: >>2453
Me too! deredere queens unite!
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> I wouldn't know what I would do. Love is a scary thing.
They should let me choose this option for all questions. Especially the second one.
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huj kurwa platforma obywatelska

pomyśleć że jeszcze niedawno byłem zapalonym korwinistą T__T
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I did mine yesterday.
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oh no I too am a Kuudere, which isn't very surprising since I'm an hypersexual asexual
The venn diagram is getting closer to a single circle every day.
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Well hello there
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thought i would have more liberty
Replies: >>2534
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i don't get it something is wrong. i need to do it again i feel dirty. this crap has the american bias.
I'll go use a translator or something.
I'm pretty sure I'm an awesome dictator ;_;
Replies: >>2535
yeh there were some hard words for us with english as secound language
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Przechwycenie obrazu ekranu_2023-12-29_18-27-07.png
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Guess I won
Replies: >>2545
another greek god.png
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You're the one…
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