/gov/ - Governance

Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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Let's explore alternate governmental paradigms. No discussing existing, academically acknowledged governance systems.

Executive Referendum - At the beginning of each month, a referendum is held where every citizen of the state writes in any person's name. The most popular person is immediately arrested and executed. There are no exceptions.

Expert Jurism - Every decision that a parliament cannot reach a 2/3 super-majority on, a jury of experts relevant to the legislation topic is chosen, who decide the outcome.

Legislative Extremism - Any citizen who intentionally and without assistance removes enough blood from their body such that they fall unconscious is allowed to propose a law that requires a super-majority in parliament to deny. Each vote for the super-majority only counts if a blood sacrifice from the palm is given.

Present Property - Any property not currently in transit is shared between all people in line-of-sight. Exceptions are one government assigned property apartment block (identical to other assigned properties) and certain items deemed essentials.

Genocracy - Punishment is controlled by a hierarchical genetic chain of command.
If a child drives a car poorly and hits a stranger, their oldest-generation blood relatives decide on a punishment, lack of punishment or to abstain. If they cannot reach agreement, the decision runs off to the next generation.

Bidism - Rather than acting as a proxy, currency is a direct voting method for laws and justice. Money received through bidding votes is burned immediately. Any person or entity is allowed to bid, excluding foreign entities.
Replies: >>2463
Everyone is under a strict legislative system, but no resources are wasted on enforcing the rules
Constructive Legalism – There are a handful of "axiomatic" laws and means to combine them. Anything that can be derived from these is considered to be a law.
Negative Democracy - Anyone can propose a law. Then everyone votes on which law they think should be burned. The most popular law is burned. After this process, the last remaining law is enacted.
People are given different colored hats, everyone with a same color of hat will come up with their own governance system. People can steal others hats to change under which rules they are to act, ensuring competition amongst different systems. People without hat will be sent to the mines.
Replies: >>883 >>884
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>People without hat will be sent to the mines.
I desire a stricter society.
Replies: >>885
what the fuck is the deal with popes and hats someone tell me please
Replies: >>898
Speak with your hatmates about that
Shutthefuckupism - Problems are addressed solely so the people whining about them will shut the fuck up. Anyone found to be creating problems so they can then whine about them (e.g. encouraging racism online so you can whine about racism more and push policies purported to "combat racism") will be prosecuted, in such a way where it doesn't cause more people to whine.
Bucket Anarchism - A variation of anarcho-fascism. A strict 1-level hierarchy is violently enforced; anyone attempting to put themselves above others or take more resources is beaten or killed by everyone else.
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What are you, some kind of deviant?
The mistake is thinking the declared paradigm is how things actually run. Governance is inevitably economic, failing to recognize that creates inefficiencies and dumb rules. Can't get too far into it without discussing existing or previous governmental paradigms, so I'll leave it at that.

Short straw legislature: Every year a small percentage of the population is selected randomly to form parliament/congress.

Slapfight presidency: The champion of the nation's slap-fighting tournament rules until defeated

nuke-o-cratic senate: Citizens gain political power and influence by possessing the means to kill large numbers of people, preferably in faraway lands. Citizens are ranked by the number of potential megadeaths they control, and the top 200 form the senate.

A City Named Slickback: Each ward of the city is run by whoever runs the most hoes. In order to be counted in the tally, every hoe needs to have at least 52 customers in the past year. Mayor is elected by the punters.

Individual policing: Every citizen writes the laws they're willing to personally enforce. All of these would be published on a live public ledger. It's encouraged to have "holding other citizens to their own laws" as a personal law. Offenses are categorized by reversibility. If an offense can be undone (theft) or has no lasting effects, the punishment is a non-disfiguring torture, like a pain ray (aka Active Denial System). Crimes which have no recourse, like murder, are punished by execution. Nobody is sentenced to prison, and since there is no court system there's no need for jail.
Replies: >>910
>A City Named Slickback
Fine taste, Pope.
Kangaroo-Dictatorship Shadow Barvariacy
To most people, the state appears to be a benevolent dictatorship. All meaningful decisions are really made by a secret society of politically-literate intellectuals, in which anyone shown to have more wealth than the median citizen or with unusual influence is excommunicated.
The outside kangaroo-dictatorship appears legitimate and anyone who is seen to be gaining power for selfish reasons is secretly executed.
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Fragliament: No parties exist (especially not political parties). Each section of government (education, environment, housing, civil law, media interactions) has its own congress with its own elected experts. A member can only sit in 2 congresses, and lay down in 1.
As a result, the minister for foreign affairs, for example, will not have influence over drug laws.
Legislative Refreshing - Every time a legislative body is convened, all laws made by old versions of the legislative body expire except for ones contained in the constitution.
Diyocracy: if you want something done, you just do it.
Replies: >>919
*kills the inventor of diyocracy*
Replies: >>921
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Inventor of diyocracy: "Hehe, pinch me, I'm dreaming! This is fantastic, I'm having the time of my life!"
Strawman SJW explosive collarism:

Government assigns everyone a collar that makes their head pop if they utter any of the FORBIDDEN WORDS and additionally pops any heads in the hearing range. This has gone on so long that nobody actually knows what the FORBIDDEN WORDS are so in practice everyone just has cool collars except for occasional freak accidents in speaking-in-tongues crowd.
Replies: >>923
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Anime archconservative snitching collarism:

Government assigns everyone a collar that alerts the cops if they utter any LEWD OR IMPURE WORDS or do any such gestures or write or draw anything of such nature.
Replies: >>924
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Sex is a natural part of life, and humans should engage in it. There is nothing wrong with nudity.
The prison-model: it is said that techniques used to control the convicts soon find their way out of prisons and will be used to govern the citizenry. Therefore, political parties compete to take over as many prisons as they can and attempt to change society through prison reforms.

The only things considered legitmiate matters of state are those in which can be 
a. jizzed on
b. jizzed in

and the only power concerning governance is given to everyone and that is:
the power to jizz
egalitarian slavery

Independent action is prohibited, if you need to get anything done you need to order people around you to do it for you. You need to also listen to their orders and comply.
legislative voyeurism

invert the surveillance state and film government officials 24 hours a day, all day every day, and live stream the entirety of their life throughout their entire term in office. every fucking moment. whether it be taking their dog for a walk before breakfast, lunch with a lobbyist, golfing with their largest campaign donor, visiting some shady son of a bitch's private island for a weekend, or even just sitting alone and awkwardly constipated on the toilet. all day every day, no exceptions. it would be commonly understood that, though the average citizen has an expectation of privacy, upon holding public office one abdicates all expectations of privacy and will have to irl livestream their entire life throughout the entirety of their term and commit the footage to a blockchain of public record. maybe tts donos could serve as campaign contributions? haven't really thought that part through in detail. point being, we should keep as close an eye as technologically possible on anyone bent in the head enough to want to hold public office and boss other people around. with great power comes… the public's ability to watch grainy nightvision footage of you stumbling around in your bedroom, wearing nothing but your underwear, and falling over after stubbing your toe while trying to find your glasses in the dark that one night the power went out and everyone is clipping highlights and commenting about it on twitter in real time.
Replies: >>935
So kim kardashian for president?
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>kim kardashian for president?
for me, it's natalia
Replies: >>939
she seems pretty based, assuming that some ass hoe posted her noodz.

Personally I would prefer a kelptocracy: we breed sentient kelp and have it run everything
Oooh, i didn't remember this one.
Absolute Martian Imperialism - A total military state, every citizen a soldier. Duty to keep and bear arms enforced by roving death squads that offer free guns to the unarmed as a final warning. Conquest of Mars a primary goal, once complete, move on to the rest of the universe.
Replies: >>2268
I love the idea of tiny guns for infants
Replies: >>2269
The way I see it, children from the age of 3 years old would be using conventional firearms, albeit small caliber. Probably single shot .22lr, whereas 0-3 years would be equipped with air guns. Around 5-7 years old, move them up to automatic .22 with suppressors and drill them in guerrilla warfare. This would continue until teen years, when the large calibers and conventional military doctrine would be introduced. We may as well equip bodies with weapons too, spring loaded blades in the forearms, lasers eyes, shoulder mounted rockets and so on. Everyone armed at all times. At last, we will know peace
Replies: >>2270
I'm gonna be a contrarian here, but how about just removing arms from everybody at birth?
Replies: >>2271
As long as we are replacing them with cybernetic limbs that contain even greater offensive potential. Babies could learn to control their remote-controlled rocket propelled metal fists before they walk.
Replies: >>2293
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Limbs make people less aerodynamic, making them more vulnerable to anti-air. Humans are also made of soft tissue, incapable of penetrating most modern armor even if fired at it at high speeds. I therefore suggest that we in addition of removing the limbs replace the head with a conical explosive charge, maximising the cost effective kill potential of a single human.

There is one hereditary position known as The King. Any disputes or problems that cannot be resolved by negotiation or consensus are arbitrated by The King. The King's decision is always final, with one exception. If anyone is overly dissatisfied with The King's decision, they may kill The King and become The new King, with all the power and responsibility that entails.
Replies: >>2312
Anarcho-monarchism is already mainstream and for some stupid reason all the anarcho-monarchist theorists miss the obvious implications of the idea and rather combine it's constituents in a way that fully resembles either anarchism or monarchism. In actual anarcho-monarchism you would just give everybody their own kingdom to rule.
Replies: >>2313
No you fool, everyone is a monarch of the same kingdom.
Jeez, imagine how fucked everything would be if everyone had their own kingdom! Imagine how many passports you'd have to stamp on a regular basis. Imagine the reams and reams of treaties you'd have to sign constantly.
No, in anarcho-monarchism there is one crown and we all have to share it. That way we can spend all our time thinking about convoluted rules of succession, court intrigue, and opium.
Replies: >>2314
It's heretical jesters like you who are at fault for the real anarcho-monarchism never being tried. How am I supposed to convince the general populace to support anarcho-monarchist ideals when their idea of what anarcho-monarchism is is twisted beyond recognition by the thousands of parodic views carelessly thrown around for cheap internet points. You should be ashamed, for every second global anarcho-monarchism is delayed means deaths of at least ten million people, and your thoughtless actions have set it back decades.
I think the reason why monarchy doesn't work is that often there is a ruling dynasty (i.e. the king inherits his position). I think it would be better to always choose the next king based on merit and no one should inherit the power to rule a kingdom.
Replies: >>2316 >>2317
Have you SEEN the state of democracy?!
We should forgo "choosing" anything based on personality, policy or for money-related reasons.
Replies: >>2317
Elective monarchy was a thing and sucked too

Problem is that is it's more effective to base on strategy on making people do shit choices than the opposite.
Replies: >>2318 >>2321
it's easier to guess what a smart man is thinking than it is what an idiot is thinking.
Just like regular monarchy but clone of the king inherits the kingdom.

The problem with traditional monarchy is that the good kings eventually die and are replaced with bad kings, this system partially solves this problem by keeping good kings genome.
Replies: >>2320
but how do you guarantee that their views will be at all similar?
and if feudal culture permits, will this not allow other nobles to influence the young clones to work in their favor?
I think genes aren't so predeterministic.
Replies: >>2322
Selective Monarchy is the way to do it. Have a tournament open to all challengers and whoever succeeds is King for the next year. It ensures the strongest, smartest and most noble contestant reigns.
Replies: >>2323
You have recording of all the formative events of the kings childhood, ability to clone all the people of importance and brief them with scripts, and unlimited tries since you can just get a new clone if one diverges too much.
how about meritomonarchy, where everyone starts with a small kingdom, and whoever handles it best will be handed a bit bigger kingdom until the best king floats to the top? Your ideas don't sound that alternative to me, that shit was basically mainstream just 700 years ago.
how about kleinstaaterei
we give every town and city full autonomy
added bonus is if you put the most deranged, most extreme resident hobo in charge.
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Trial-By-Swapsies: A temporary rotation of the different current ideals of governance choosing.

Corporations become representative democracies of its employees. Juries and judges are chosen by the primary stakeholders of a case (defending party and prosecuting party each have 40% share, the rest is split accordingly). Government is decided by sortition.
I am the Lorax, I shoot for the trees.jpg
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Police Drafting - Similar to judicial sortition and military drafting, the street law-enforcement agencies are chosen from the local population at random, with basic training and filtering provided.
Not only would this substantially reduce in-group/out-group identity and recruitment bias, but it would gradually provide the greater population with life-skills such as self-defense, de-escalation techniques and weapon safety.
Select Custodial Executiveship - Every quarter, a random member of the executive team is swapped with a random member of the custodial team

A quarter can be redefined by the chief time lord
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Mud Wizard Cabal - Wizards push everyone else around with their debuffing mud pools, earth golems, and pig familiars.
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poop democracy
pooping replaces voting. 
you can poop more than once if you have too. 

divine poop mandate
mandates are accepted based on the bowel movements of those who proposed it

trial by orgasm
the winner gets the other one to orgasm first.
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generational hegelian syntesis progressivism

issues are stratified and developed along hegelian dialectics. 
the male and female engies from both issues cross the isles then form union in synthesis to produce the next generation who are then taught by their elders the issue they must solve with their passed down knowledge.
Democratic Sadism

We all know people always vote for bullshit candidates who just end up making their life harder. There's no way anybody actually believes in all the slogans, promises and propaganda, but they'll vote anyway. Why? My proposal is that people want to suffer. They actually yearn for bigger taxes and lower social security and mandatory spanking sessions every thursday afternoon. I think parties should be open about their willingness to fuck people over. Little bit of honesty goes a long way. So, vote for your local sadist party.
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There is a middle-class sentiment I've come across of "everyone should have a shit job once in their life". It's an idea that even those who have privilege or talent should experience tough labour as a teen or young adult to build a sense of empathy with the lower class: their fellow proletariat.

Now think of this sentiment what you will, that's beside the point. In the spirit of this and of rites like the Rumspringa of the Amish peoples, I propose that upon reaching legal adulthood, a person must spend a month in drag at all non-private times, experiencing life as another gender and building first hand experience about the differences facing others in society.
Replies: >>2400 >>2401
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my trips say your dubs are good luck!
This. Followed by a month in drug.
But then the drug becomes illegal so the third month is inevitably rehabilitation services.
>The Mafia was often more effective than the police at recovering stolen cattle; in the 1920s, it was noted that the Mafia's success rate at recovering stolen cattle was 95%, whereas the police managed only 10%
Criminal Self-Management : Criminal entities are held responsible for keeping each other in check and neutralizing each other. No criminal organization is state-sponsored.
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I'm not sure about fancy legal names but here's a few policies I'd enact, if given full autocratic power over the usa.
1st we cut California off at it's fault line and throw it into the Pacific. Not for a silly reason mind you. They shall be noble sacrifices to the god Poseidon, who will in turn give us favorable weather, all the fish we can eat, and shaking the earth very little.
2nd, I would have death outlawed. Dying would become illegal. If one would happen to die,then their corpse is to be entombed with a lamenated paper they must read upon the event of resurrection. The contents of this document will be a subpoena for the lawbreaker in question, and they must pay back taxes on all years they missed while dead
3rdly we will remove all housing! It is a right, not a commodity! Instead of houses, homes, apartments, condo; we will have chateaus, palaces, castles, mansions as far as the eye can see! Communal living for everyone!
4th everyone will be given a standard pistol upon their voting age. 
5thly no more tp! Only bidets!
Replies: >>2467
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Here is another bizarre thought I had. I still lack fancy names, however.

Parents all over the world, in pursuit of perfect parenting are often concerned much about parental abuse very much, and will even abstain from capital punishment of their children, nor do they smack sense into kids. This behavior, while virtuous, has lead to an exponential rise in naughty children. And as we all know, naughty children don't get presents from Santa Claus.
I figured this may be alleviated via shifting the physical burden and responsibility to the surrounding community. By allowing people to beat any naughty child but their own we may be able to ensure more kids are good and get more presents from Santa Claus.
Replies: >>2470
age bid = paymeant of age numeral in fiat currency per day to the exact of the 365 you]ve travelled as far as to say we would get e relay system of governance where our basic most met needs are well nourished and return to the gov as own home homage wage . It is the foundation to many possible alternative iterations of the gov return fee fiat currency per index, whatdya guis think
I contend to contest that thought and say no one should be beaten., but the overall idea about increasing the spread of function lyturgics is spot on! we need Id say 2 maek more use of equities comforting our forcedness when it comes into play any social contract so as to ease any retaliation over all and never the less back up and or down if necessary to any standard met o0`
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I, smart person 5, derived a subform of epistocracy yes that's an actual academically-acceptable term not to be confused with the superior eristocracy. It's basically a qualified democratic system for use in each major vote, like referendums or electing representatives. The idea is to maximize the potential benefits of democratic decision-making, while eliminating the flaws of universal participation.

>options for a vote are determined
>a board of people representing various arguments for each option will determine a list of basic facts and arguments. this list must be factual, even when discussing opinions, and therefore should be agreeable and gain consensus from all parties on the board
>these facts are then widely published to all potential voters as an information sheet, in advance. the aim is to enable them to become informed prior to the vote with minimal effort
>when the time comes to vote, the ballot will also have a short quiz on these points
>a vote is discarded if the ballot scores less than, for example, 75% on the basic fact quiz, exposing the voter as an uninformed and therefore unreliable decision-maker
The goal of the quiz must be to include, rather than exclude, voters, only existing to filter people who clearly don't understand the basic facts of the options being voted on.
Replies: >>2651
Even better: each voter is required to write a short (1-2 sentences) justification for their vote. If they cannot provide something approaching a justification (even "I like this guy's hair more"), or cannot write a full, intelligible sentence, their vote is discarded. For people who for some reason can't read or write, a voice recording would also suffice.

I suspect that fully half of all cast votes would be rejected.
Replies: >>2652
This is more effective of a gate, although it does require manual checking (so it's more suitable to smaller elections rather than hundreds of thousands of voters) and is more open to subjective interpretation. A multiple-choice quiz can be put through a cheap machine that goes rrrrb and gives satisfying dings when a ballot passes. Ding! Imagine it...

>I suspect that fully half of all cast votes would be rejected.
I don't know about other countries' stats, but official illiteracy rates in the US of A are already at around 20%. They don't measure dumbass rates but we can make an estimated guess and say they're higher than 420chan.
Where I live (not burgertown) the ballots are shocking and I believe you. But keep in mind, the reason for the openness and the information sheet is an effort to give an opportunity to educate people who care, and increase the valid vote count without compromising the integrity.
Real caste systems have never been tried and slavery should make a comeback. It has been said that at this point in history 98% of the labor force could simply stop working and be supported by the remaining 2% due to automation. Big if true, since the implications are that we could collectively enslave the families of the 1% godzillionaire class to metaphorically pick our cotton for us from here to eternity, with the remaining work done on a voluntary basis by elements from the other 99% of the population who would rather spend their time as productive artisans rather than idling away in perpetual neetdom. Perhaps the 1% have backed themselves into a corner here? Perhaps we must stop clutching our pearls and firmly grasp the whip handle instead?
Replies: >>2673
spoiler: it never left.jpg
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>slavery should make a comeback
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