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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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(43.5KB, 376x518)
Haiti President Jovenel is dead, however, There are some rumors about torture and there are some photos, have u any information about that? I would like to see the pictures.
Replies: >>940 >>941
>have u any information about that?
No, I have not, god damn it
(828.8KB, 1200x1110)
>Hey looks like you are trying to attract glowniggers would you like some help?
I doubt there was torture, as there was talk of the perpetrators being US-funded as an excuse to go in.
It was us. He was an Illuminati agent.
Replies: >>945 >>947
Wait, I thought we was illuminati?
Replies: >>946 >>948
No, but since they're inactive we control the world in their stead.
Replies: >>947
Yeah and as this cabbage >>944 has pointed out, it becomes a real headscratcher who the Erisian death squads should target. I hope those damn illumitards get their shit together so I can finally figure out who I'm supposed to shoot.
Replies: >>948 >>951 >>954
uhhh >>945 not 944
Dear illuminati.

Why the fuck can't you stop messing around and get the things under your control already? Stop all the petty infighting among your ranks and be the global conspiracy you were born to be. How the fuck am I supposed to start a resistance against an organisation which is using more manpower to kill it's own damn members than actually ruling over this whole mess. All your agents are so fucking incompetent I can freely post this message and millions of illuminati truther pdfs without getting murdered by a group of brainwashed kids with tiny ass hammers.

Yours truly,
C.E.O. of Illuminati Jane Doe.

P.S. Fuck you, you suck.
Replies: >>953
(765.4KB, 823x855)
>Erisian death squads
(72.9KB, 880x811)
death squads are so last millenium tho. how about instead of having gangs going around turning living people into dead people we do the reverse?
Replies: >>953
(144.4KB, 767x783)
Thanks for taking the initiative Jane. Our cabal pledges it's full support.

Also, this. 
Although our bylaws prevent us from extending our formal support at this time, you can rest assured that the issue will be brought up during the next Feast of Petitioning.

more like erisian fraud squads
Anything going on in Haiti anymore?
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