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Glory be to the Eristocracy!

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What is your favorite cuba? What do you do with your cuba? How many cubas you've seen recently? Discuss!
I have one cuba that I use frequently (it's out in the gulf of mexico) and two others I keep in one of those u-store centers in Fresno. I like the "Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson" brand cubas the best, they're sturdy and have lovely cigars.
oh oh oh the maker of this thread is a real funny man
also I'm in support of the gommies cuz fuck globohomo
(870.8KB, 352x240)
>What is your favorite cuba? 
my favorite cuba is actually a dominican
>What do you do with your cuba?
the usual… clinton/lewinsky stuff
>How many cubas you've seen recently?
honestly, it's been a while…

here's a fun fact. one of the last airlines that allowed smoking inside the plane was a line that ran from florida to cuba and it was so fucked. as soon as possible, all the tourists would light up cigars and the cabin would get hot boxed to the point where you couldn't see clearly from the front row to the back.

on a serious note, i feel as much sympathy as one can for people who seem to live in perpetual clusterfuck locations, but i have no idea what the hell is going on, on the ground, over there at the moment. my knowledge is limited to cigars, classic cars, good music, having read our man in havana once, and the usual wikipedia tier generalities. i'm thankful and try not to take it for granted that i live in a place spacious enough that going innawoods is always an option. that's hard to do on an island.

does anyone else remember that timeline when the obama administration gave guantanamo back to the locals? good times…
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Castro banned professional sports like prostate football, he was a legend.
Replies: >>1994
I put my cubas in a tub. That way I can find them quickly, and wash them in soap.
That's a foul, you can't touch a soccer with your hands.
Replies: >>1996 >>1999
Huh, I always thought it was a football that you couldn't touch with your hands.
I mean, it seems so obvious.
Replies: >>1999
I bet Castro could touch a soccer, a football, or even a prostate football with his hands and nobody would gainsay him. It's good to be the king.
Replies: >>2000
Dude clearly knows how to play, we should hire him to the divegrass team.
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