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What does it mean to have taste and what makes it good? Is good taste something that can be "cultivated"?
Replies: >>75 >>178 >>291
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Perhaps one should approach this issue of taste along the lines of dzogchen, or apophatic/negative theology? Most of us, having been raised in a environment saturated with commercial media, will acquire shit taste without even knowing it. So, rather then attempt to "cultivate good taste", one could attempt to remove the barrier that prohibits "good taste" from being fully realized. Such as a wine bottle, having been uncorked and held askew, will release it's contents into a glass, as is it's nature.
Replies: >>79
i miss you
Replies: >>80 >>81
Replies: >>81
Hey, You're not you! I am you. Now, I'm either flattered that you assumed my identity or maybe also excited that I finally made that schizophrenic break that I've been working so hard at achieving all these years! I'm not sure which one yet.
Anyway, I'm guessing…
>i miss you
Is maybe saying that "Dweller" misses the point of the post? Maybe in broken /int/ English? That's cool. I'm not sure that I completely get my point either.

TLDR: I really have no idea what good taste is or how to cultivate it for that matter.
Replies: >>82 >>297
In it's most primordial form, taste is here to tell if something's edible. Consuming loads of distasteful shit may be bad for your health.

Taste also gets way when you are poor and have to raid trashchans for food. So it weakens, making it more likely you've eaten poison. Most of the time you don't even pay attention in how stuff tastes.

Consuming has now become internalized, you cannot stop it any more than you could stop breathing. It's largely dictated by luck what kind of shit gets showered on you from the pipeline under which you sit eagerly waiting. Concentration of poison is upped so slowly, that even if you did have taste, you couldn't notice. You cannot move, you cannot spit it out, stuff in the food has incapacitated you.

Your only hope would be to switch the intake. To be able to tell what tastes odd, and leave that shit on the side of the plate. 

But you cannot.

Because you're an addict.

Because the parasite has taken over.

Because your sense of self is what kind of brainwashing you like to shove inside your skull.

Replies: >>84
I despise good taste and wish for more unfinished concepts.
Replies: >>84
one of the best descriptions of the downside of imageboard culture that i ever read.
one of the best descriptions of the upside of imageboard culture that i ever read.
Replies: >>85 >>297
why do you think so?
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I wonder if the connection between taste and taste exists in languages not influenced by Latin.
Replies: >>297
>Is good taste something that can be "cultivated"?
You can certainly broaden your tastes through exposure to novel experiences.
Your tastes can change over time for better and worse.
Good and bad taste could be partially objective; enjoying the taste of rotting meat could be bad taste because it is harmful. Maybe this could be extended to art, such as enjoying pop industry music and television which is often devoid of effort, meaning and originality and carries a poor or even harmful message.
Replies: >>297
>Is good taste something that can be "cultivated"?
No. Neither should you attempt it. Just enjoy what you like and try not to bother other people with your poor taste.
You guys have pretty bad taste in theories of taste.
Replies: >>223
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I agree with you in regards to the theories presented here, but overall this has been a very tasteful discussion so far
Loss of taste is a symptom of corona-chan. It's clear what we must do.
Kill everyone with a shit waifu.
Replies: >>256
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Is Eris a good waifu?
Replies: >>257
No, taste is largely genetic, partly conditioned, partly luck, and by the time you can control your own conditioning it's too late.
Replies: >>297
Taste is subjective, nobody can deny—unless you've bad taste of course. The point is [i]good[/i] taste is to exercise [i]your[/i] taste to the most extreme. What do [i]you[/i] like, anon? To cultivate [i]your[/i] taste is to become stricter in your taste. Only the best—according to you—for you. That is cultivated taste. Of course values (might) change, so what was in (yo81ur) good taste yesterday might be in (your) bad taste today.
>>81, point is `crass consumerism' obscures your true taste. Remove the distraction, all remains is essence.
>>84, but really are descriptions of up/down -sides of culture generally.
>>86, it's not hard, do it yourself: Chinese 味, Russian вкус, Greek γεύω
>>178, bad example: condor love carrion; objectivity is the meet of all subjectives.
>>291, it's [i]memetic[/i]; get it right.
How do I know poo tastes bad before tasting any?
Replies: >>299 >>318
Replies: >>303 >>304
Milkshakes, Alpha and Omega.png
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Milkshakes understands aesthetics. A fine example of good taste.
Replies: >>301
With cats it's very easy to determine if they have good taste or not. You just take a bite.
Replies: >>302
Cat bit me back, how cute!!!
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You are hereby excommunicated from the DUMP cabal. Come back soon!
You're now excommunicated from POEE, now piss off!
Replies: >>305
She is now officially recommunicated to POEE, and is now another patron saint of olives.
It doesn't. This is the result of one of the most successful disinformation conspiracies in the world. All so that the absurdly rich can save a few more dollars on their food.
Think about it. Why are there so many free toilets? Obviously, they're run by parties to the conspiracy. The real kicker is that we've all been convinced that shit tastes so bad that we're even willing to pay to give them this nutritious food. Think about all the cafés that have rules about having to buy something to use the toilet. Or the coin-operated toilets in big cities. We're really bending over for their benefit.
And public sewers! There's a testament to it all. Do you really expect us to believe someone would pay for all that infrastructure, just to take something icky away from our homes? No! We've been duped so well that we pay to install special rooms dedicated to giving them our shit. It's not too long ago that we were free from this nonsense. Nobody had plumbing. Everybody had so much shit, that they were even willing to share it with the all poor hungry persons under their window. The streets were literally aflow with shit. Nobody had to go hungry.
That's another thing. The absurdly rich don't just save a few dollars on food. They do it to control us. Think about it. Nowadays, homelessness is considered a terrible fate. I'm homeless and I'm loving every day. Of course, I can't say this in person. Last time I tried, they locked me away like I was a crazy person. It really goes to show what great lengths they go to to protect their comfortable way of life.
Replies: >>319 >>398
It's a tough pill to swallow!
taste is but discernment in the love of beauty. beauty is, of course, as objective as objective gets in this world, which means that the process of developing good taste is twofold:

one must first develop a greater understanding of objective beauty, and secondarily, one must practice prioritization and forbearance in respect of such.
Replies: >>321
Term "objective beauty" threw me off, since describing anything human made or even biological as "objectively beautiful" seems biased as hell. Even physical laws might be local and subjective in multiverse, so we cannot derive objective beauty from them either. From the observers point of view, beatiful things are ones they want to be around, and ugly things they stray from. So from an universal view, you may see beauty as things that are increasing and ugly as the things that wither away. But as said, we have no idea about trends at the absolute scale, so we are stuck with our subjective views. Oops.
Replies: >>322
Careful and attentive reading rewards itself. There was no mention of the "objectively beautiful", only objective beauty, which means beauty as embodied in objects. The claim that "beauty is […] as objective as objective gets" states that beauty (beauty-in-itself) and objective beauty (beauty-in-object) fully coincide. This is the materialist conception of aesthetics.
Replies: >>323
>Beauty is the ascription of a property or characteristic to a person, object, animal, place or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction.
>Beauty: the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

Beauty, by common definition, is inherently based on perception and emotion. There is certainly conventional beauty within groups, but objective beauty does not seem possible without contradicting the definition of beauty. If an object can have objective beauty, but someone observes the object and does not perceive it as beautiful, is that not a contradiction?
I don't see how materialism necessitates an objective concept of beauty.
Replies: >>324
It's not exactly a new thing:
>What does it mean to have taste and what makes it good?
its when your tongue interacts with chemicals and you find the sensation enjoyable
>Is good taste something that can be "cultivated"?
yes by eating stuff
This is a tough pill to swallow, but I KNOW I can!
Now that the chit chat is over,

(don't post lewds this is a religious forum)
Eris is my waifu tbh
the measure of a good cook, is to take the often overlooked and "unpallatable" cuts of meat like offal. 
and turn it into a culinary masterpiece. 

taste is about aknowledging the "fashionable" nature in things, and when you become a "tastemaker" you become adept at coaxing the fashion out of even the most benign things
Replies: >>528

fashion is the most obvious purely social phenomenon 
if you are a taste maker, you are good at inspiring other to imitate you, nothing more 

you can become this simply by being born rich
Replies: >>529
alot of "fashion" also comes from its utility. 
crocs were fashionable becuase they were versatile lightweight and comfy. 

and also lets not forget the other more rigid side of "fashion" which is industrial design.
Replies: >>530
>crocs were fashionable
Replies: >>531 >>867
You wouldn't know about them if they weren't.
163909 01_K_ONBon01_0001.jpg
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Around 2006-2009
And around that time. all yuri, ALL was about shipping https://8chan.moe/u2/
Strawberries… now ''that's' good taste!
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Any honest rendition of Eris is good taste.
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